The Following Day

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The following morning after getting home from the hospital Do Hwan woke up to rain splashing and hitting the window and it was clearly going to be a big downpour for at least most of the day

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The following morning after getting home from the hospital Do Hwan woke up to rain splashing and hitting the window and it was clearly going to be a big downpour for at least most of the day. Turning onto his side towards the window he looked in the bassinet he had beside the bed he saw Sarang still fast asleep while making cute cooing noises, for a moment he looked over her with a soft smile on his face.

For the first time in a few weeks he felt like he was able to able to relax and breathe, there were moments when he was in the hospital with his daughter that he thought that he might lose her and for a moment it came very close to that happening but thankfully against all the odds Sarang had gotten better and was able to fight off the infection. Wanting to cuddle her and hold her close he reached into the bassinet supporting her neck and body he slowly lifted her out and into his arms as his smile only widened as she stirred awake and her eyes fluttered open but didn't fully open, he watched as her little hands opened and closed like a starfish and in that moment it was the cutest thing he had ever seen.

But as he looked down at her tiny face, all of those feelings he remembered once having melted away. She was his little girl, and he would do anything for her.

As he held her close, he couldn't help but think back to the day she was born. It had been a difficult delivery, and the doctors had immediately noticed that something was different about her. They had told him that she had Down's syndrome, and he had felt like his world had been turned upside down but that hadn't been the only time as the first time he had been told this during a scan, but he never let this news get the better of him and he knew he would love his daughter always.

He felt a wave of love and protectiveness wash over him as he looked down at her. Her eyes were closed, and her little chest rose and fell with each breath. He couldn't help but smile as he watched her, feeling a deep sense of contentment and joy.

Humming a lullaby to his daughter. He could feel her tiny body relaxing against his chest, and he knew that she was feeling safe and loved. He couldn't help but feel a little emotional as he realized that he was responsible for this little person's life and happiness.

As Do Hwan held his daughter, he couldn't help but think about all of the things he wanted to teach her and show her. He wanted her to know how to be kind and compassionate, how to be strong and independent, and how to chase her dreams. He wanted to be there for her every step of the way, through all of the good times and the bad.

He didn't know what the future held, but he knew that with her by his side, everything would be alright. He felt a sense of gratitude and happiness as he looked down at his daughter, grateful to be her father and to have the honor of being a part of her life.


A short while later Do Hwan had since gotten up and out of bed and gotten ready for the day. After making the milk for Sarang's feed and making breakfast for himself before heading up to Sarang's room, sitting in rocking chair he held her close to his chest, feeling the warmth of her tiny body against his own, feeling her heartbeat beating slow and steady, as she slept peacefully.

As he gently stroked his daughter's head, feeling the softness of the tuft of hair she had, he couldn't help but smile as he looked at her. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Her tiny hands and feet, her little nose and mouth, all perfect.

As he sat there, holding his daughter, he thought about the journey that had led him to this moment. The months of waiting, the fear and uncertainty, the joy and hope. He thought about the day she was born, the day he became a father. He remembered the feeling of holding her for the first time, the weight of her tiny body in his arms. He remembered the tears that had come to his eyes as he looked at her and realized that she was his.

Do Hwan's thoughts were interrupted as his daughter began to stir. She opened her eyes, looking up at him with a curious gaze. He smiled down at her and gently pressed a button on the feeding machine. The machine began to hum as it delivered the milk to her feeding tube, he watched as she began to suckle, her tiny hands reaching up to touch his face.

He sat there for hours, holding his daughter and watching her sleep. He didn't want to let her go, not even for a moment, as he leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"I love you, Woo Sarang."

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