Start Of Labor

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Three weeks on and for the last few days Do Hwan had had a feeling he would go into labor any day, he had begun having Braxton hicks contractions, fake ones but he knew it wouldn't be long until the real thing happened.

He was nervous and a little anxious about going into labor, at any moment Do Hwan was going to start the journey of parenthood, he had waited a long nine months for this moment and he was very much now waiting for Sarang to make an appearance.

But no sooner had he had the feeling that he would soon be labor did it become apparent how quickly it would start. Standing at the Kitchen sink washing the plates and glasses all was quiet until his hand rested upon his belly when he began to feel slight pain, he waited a moment to see if the pain would disappear but it didn't.

A short time later it came back this time making Do Hwan gasp and groan from the pain making him drop the glass he was holding and could only watch as it fell back into the sink as he began taking deep breaths.

The contractions were uncomfortable but not extremely painful and he knew given that this was his first pregnancy it may take a little while for things to progress to the point where the contractions are a certain time length apart, grabbing his phone he kept it close by his side for when time came closer and he needed to call his midwife and the hospital and for now he knew the only thing he could do was try and relax as much as possible.


Two hours later, at two p.m. Do Hwan woke up after taking a nap but by this time he could no longer sleep and be comfortable due to the ever-increasing discomfort from the contractions.

With the bedding pulled back and the bedsheet covered with absorbent sheets he got back on the bed get trying to get in a comfortable position.

But no sooner did he lay down did he need to change positions as the pain he was feeling in his back was starting to become unbearable. Moving off of the bed, Do Hwan could only find the perfect position for him was to be on his knees resting against the bed finding it helped to lessen some of the pain.

From the way things were going and the way he felt he knew it was only the early stages of labor. Keeping track of his contractions they were currently lasting around anywhere from five up to thirty minutes for around fifteen to forty seconds, though he had some amount of pain for the moment it was just in his back.

After being in a kneeling for a short amount of time he began to get tired and needed to move around for a while. Being slow and steady Do Hwan began making his way down the stairs keeping a gentle hold on the handrail not wanting to fall and the other on his belly. Within a few minutes, he had made it down the stairs before he made himself as comfortable as possible putting a pillow behind his back.

With a small smile on his face, he placed a hand on his belly before thinking and knowing that this would be the last time he would feel his daughter kicking and moving around as only in a matter of hours she would be out in the world and he would finally have Sarang in his arms.

Nine months had led to this impending moment and in many ways, Do Hwan felt at peace, despite the past, what had happened what had gone through to find out he was pregnant now was a distant memory and he could look to the future and the future with his daughter.

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