On Set With Sarang

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Two months had passed since Woo Do Hwan's precious daughter, Sarang, underwent a critical operation on her tiny heart and she is now six months old

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Two months had passed since Woo Do Hwan's precious daughter, Sarang, underwent a critical operation on her tiny heart and she is now six months old.

Now, her doting father was back on set, filming his highly anticipated Netflix series, Bloodhounds. But Do Hwan couldn't bear the thought of leaving his daughter behind. Determined to be by her side every step of the way, he decided to take Sarang with him to the set.

As Do Hwan prepared for his day of shooting, he meticulously packed everything Sarang would need. Along with her necessary supplies, he made sure to take her feed, a cozy blanket, and a few of her favourite toys. With Sarang in tow, he set off for the bustling set, a mix of excitement and nervousness pulsating through his veins.

Once on set, Do Hwan quickly settled Sarang in a comfortable spot near the monitors. He adjusted her feeding tube, making sure it was secure, and laid the soft blanket beneath her. As he looked down at his precious daughter, he couldn't help but feel a swell of pride and adoration. Sarang's big, bright eyes sparkled with innocence and curiosity, reminding him of the immense love and joy she had brought into his life.

The director called for action, and Do Hwan shifted his focus to the scene at hand. Immersed in his character's role as a boxer, he delivered his lines with precision and intensity. But it wasn't long before he heard Sarang's soft whimpers, her desire for his attention evident. Sensing her need, Do Hwan paused, his heartstrings tugging at the sound of her tiny voice.

The director called cut and despite her being looked after he wanted to make sure she was alright.

The crew members, who had grown fond of the actor's daughter during her visits to the set, smiled understandingly. They knew that Sarang was Do Hwan's world, and they admired his dedication as a father.

Rushing to Sarang's side, Do Hwan scooped her into his arms, cradling her close to his chest. He pressed soft kisses against her rosy cheeks, whispering soothing words as he swayed back and forth.

"There, there, my sweet Sarang. Appa is here. You're such a brave girl," Do Hwan murmured, his voice filled with love and tenderness. He gently rocked her, his touch offering solace and security.

Sarang's cries gradually subsided, replaced by contented sighs. She nestled into the warmth of her father's embrace, finding comfort in his presence. Do Hwan gazed down at her cherubic face, marveling at the resilience she had shown in her short life.

As the director called for another take, Do Hwan reluctantly placed Sarang back in her designated spot. He adjusted her feeding tube once more and ensured she had a firm grip on her toys, providing her with a sense of familiarity. With a lingering kiss on her forehead, he whispered, "Appa will be right here, Sarang. I promise."

Returning to the scene, Do Hwan's heart overflowed with gratitude and love. He knew that even amidst the demands of his acting career, he would always prioritize his daughter's needs. Sarang had become his inspiration, teaching him the true meaning of unconditional love and unwavering strength.


Amidst the controlled chaos of the set, a break was finally called. Woo Do Hwan's heart swelled with anticipation as he hurried to check on Sarang. His co-star, Lee Sang-yi, followed closely behind, intrigued by the bond shared between father and daughter.

Peering into Sarang's eyes, Do Hwan's voice filled with tenderness, "Hey, Sarang, Appa's here. How are you doing, my little fighter?" He watched as Sarang's eyes sparkled in response, her tiny hands reaching out to touch his face. The love that emanated between them was palpable.

Sang-yi stood in awe, witnessing the beautiful connection that surpassed words. The atmosphere in the room seemed to soften as the young actor stepped closer, a mixture of admiration and curiosity lighting up his face. Do Hwan's eyes twinkled as he introduced Sarang, "Sang-yi, meet my pride and joy, Sarang."

Sang-yi couldn't help but smile at the sight of Sarang, sensing the strength and love that radiated from her presence. He extended a gentle hand towards her, his voice laced with genuine warmth, "Hello, Sarang. It's a pleasure to meet you. You have such a wonderful Appa, and I can see why he loves you so much."

Before returning to the set, Woo Do Hwan made sure to feed Sarang through her feeding tube, taking utmost care to ensure her well-being. With practiced hands, he prepared the necessary feed, connecting the tube to her small body. As he watched the liquid nourishment flow, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at Sarang's resilience. She had already faced so much in her young life, yet her spirit remained indomitable.

As he gently cradled her in his arms, he whispered, "You're my little star, Sarang. Appa loves you more than words can express."

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