Waiting Game

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From the window outside of the room, his eyes never left Sarang as they continued to help her and stop her from fitting

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From the window outside of the room, his eyes never left Sarang as they continued to help her and stop her from fitting. Thankfully after what seemed like a lifetime Do Hwan watched as things began to calm down and the doctors and nurses had gotten everything under control and his daughter looked more relaxed but he didn't know how she was, how much if to an extent if anything had gotten worse, letting out a shaky breath he wiped away the last of his tears as he spotted his doctor making her way towards the door, he could only prepare himself for what was to come he just couldn't bring himself to think of the worse not right now, not yet, but maybe he was about to find out it was too late.

"How is she...", he asked his voice breaking off at the end as the doctor was now standing in front of him, he was trying to hold everything together but that was quickly becoming impossible, more and more by the second.

"I'm not going to lie to you, nor am I allowed to but... I'm afraid it's not looking good."

At those words Do Hwan once again began to cry, this time completely breaking down as he lost the strength to stand. Slumped against the wall he could not stop his tears from falling watching as his doctor knelt down in front of him.

"I'm sorry to upset you further but she is very unwell, and it seems that this bad infection she has is triggering the seizures she is having and the ones she has already had and it has been a lot for her, though she is fighting she is also stressed and struggling, it is just a lot for her little body to take on given she is only two weeks old."

He nodded in understanding but there was one question on his mind, "Can I see her now? Please... I need to see her."

"Of course, but just as a precaution, she has to stay in the cot for now but of course, you can still touch her to help soothe and comfort her like you have been doing to let her know you are there. We have sedated her for the time being to give her a chance to rest after that ordeal so she will be asleep and will be for a while, If there is anything else you need don't hesitate to let me know, I'll leave you to spend time with her again.", she replied, giving him a look of sympathy and understanding.

"I understand thank you... for everything.", he returned as he found the energy to get to his feet and give his doctor a bow of thanks.

"You're welcome."

With that said, Do Hwan watched as she turned around and walked off in another direction. Looking back at Sarang he took a deep breath before opening the door and re-entering the room, his breath caught in his throat as he walked towards her, this time instead of sitting in the chair he stood beside the cot as he looked down on his daughter with a soft and gentle gaze as a stray tear fell down his face. He wanted now to try and stop crying but the thought of possibly losing his baby was beyond thinking about any more seizures and she wouldn't be strong enough to be able to cope, his heart was heavy and very much at breaking point if it hadn't already done so, and looking at her now she looked even more fragile than before she seemed to be covered in even more tubes and wires that were helping her breathe but ultimately keeping her alive.

With a shaking hand he reached down into the cot to gently stroke her head, now it would be a waiting game to see if she would survive.

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