Heading To Jeju Island

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After a few days of battling illness, Sarang was finally on the mend

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After a few days of battling illness, Sarang was finally on the mend. Her infectious laughter now resonated through the halls, filling the space with joy that was as boundless as her father's adoration. As Do Hwan moved about the room, his heart swelled with pride, marvelling at the resilience his little girl exhibited every day and now they were off on holiday.

With the car carefully packed with necessities – clothes, essentials, and the medical supplies that accompanied them everywhere – they were all set for their adventure. Sarang's walking frame stood as a testament to her perseverance, a tool that aided her every step of the way. As he double-checked everything, Do Hwan's excitement was tinged with a touch of nerves. This would be Sarang's first camping trip, a chance for them to explore the beauty of Jeju Island and create cherished memories.

"Sarang, are you ready?" Do Hwan called from the hallway, his voice brimming with warmth.

"Coat time, my princess," Do Hwan announced playfully, kneeling down to help her slip into her coat. Sarang extended her arms with a giggle, her hands a little slower than most, but her determination shone through.

Next came the ankle splints and shoes, each step in their routine a testament to their unbreakable routine of love and care. The splints, while necessary, never dampened Sarang's spirit. With patience and gentleness, Do Hwan ensured her comfort, securing the splints with care.

As he lifted her petite frame into his arms, Sarang clung to him, her trust in her father an unspoken testament of their deep connection. Carrying her gently, he made his way to the waiting car. The sunlight danced on Sarang's hair as he buckled her securely into her car seat, making sure she was comfortable and safe.

The engine roared to life, and they embarked on their journey. The road stretched ahead like a ribbon of possibilities, and Do Hwan couldn't help but steal glances at his daughter. Sarang's eyes were wide with wonder, her hands pressed against the window as she took in the passing scenery.


Glancing in the rearview mirror, Do Hwan couldn't help but smile as he saw the joy dancing in Sarang's eyes. Her infectious laughter filled the car every now and then, making his heart swell with happiness. He had always been amazed by her ability to find joy in the simplest of things.

"Look, Sarang! Can you see the waves?" Do Hwan pointed towards the turquoise waters of the ocean, his voice filled with excitement.

Sarang's face lit up as she followed her father's gaze. "W-waves!" she exclaimed with a hint of effort in her speech, her eyes wide with fascination.

"That's right, sweetheart! Waves!" Do Hwan's heart melted as he heard her attempt the word. Every achievement, no matter how small, felt like a monumental victory. Sarang had faced challenges due to her developmental delays and struggles with speech, coordination, and walking. But her determination and the unwavering support of her father had turned every obstacle into a stepping stone.

He stole a quick glance in the rearview mirror and caught her gaze. Sarang's almond-shaped eyes were alight with wonder, her cheeks rosy from excitement. She clutched her beloved bunny teddy close to her chest.

The drive was punctuated by Sarang's intermittent laughter, as the car whizzed past picturesque coastal views and quaint villages. Each time she giggled, Do Hwan's heart swelled with pride and love. It was a rare moment of pure bliss, one he had been yearning for since the day Sarang had come into his life.

The ferry loomed large ahead, and Do Hwan guided the car into its designated lane. He turned off the engine and swivelled in his seat to face Sarang. "Are you ready for our adventure, darling?"

Sarang's face lit up with an even wider smile. "Y - Yeah Appa."

With the car securely parked on the ferry, they stepped out into the open air. Sarang held tightly to her bunny teddy as he walked towards the railing with her in his arms. The sea breeze played with her hair, and she squealed in delight, her voice a symphony of joy.

Sarang's gaze was fixed on the water, her lips curved in a fascinated smile. Her fingers danced in the air, as if trying to catch the sea breeze.

Throughout the ferry ride, Do Hwan and Sarang explored the decks, watched seagulls swoop and dive, and enjoyed the salty breeze on their faces. As the ferry approached Jeju Island, Sarang's excitement reached a crescendo. The island's beauty unfolded before them, a tapestry of lush landscapes and azure waters.

Sarang's eyes widened in amazement, her smile radiant. She tugged at Do Hwan's hand, her body quivering with excitement as they got back in the car and disembarked from the ferry.

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