Quiet Day

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By week twenty-two Do Hwan's pregnancy seemed to be progressing well, his belly was now very much round and growing a lot while it was noticeable and could no longer hide his bump under his clothes.

Two weeks prior at his twenty-week scan he learned that Sarang was now fully developed and all she needed to do is grow and gain weight, each time he had a scan he loved with his whole heart being able to see her watch her move and see what she would get up to in his belly.

He recently began to feel movement, as she moved and it almost felt like she was tumbling around and he could now feel stronger kicks, Do Hwan still to this day couldn't quite believe that this was happening.

Today Do Hwan was set for going out for the day but felt tired and unsettled and didn't want to leave the house, as he lay on the sofa under a blanket gently rubbing his belly he could soon feel movement and kicks under his palm and he couldn't help but giggle and smile.

"Hey, sweetheart how are you?"

Almost immediately in response to the sound of his voice, he felt another kick direct to his palm as if she were to say 'I'm okay appa.' and it made his heart swell with warmth.

Before long Do Hwan wanted to head back up to bed where it was more comfortable and could rest and take a nap. Today it would seem would be a quiet and lazy day, he didn't have much energy to do much else and took the opportunity to rest and relax.

He couldn't help but smile that idea sounded like heaven, and very much blissful something that was much needed right now.

Craving hot chocolate he decided to make it, heading towards the kitchen he soon pulled out a cup from the cupboard and made a start on making a cup of hot chocolate. As he finished making the hot chocolate he watched as it swirled around from the motion of the teaspoon and found it almost hypnotic, taking sips from the very hot and soothing hot chocolate he instantly felt calm.

Before long once he had gotten up to his room, the comfort and warmth of the bed welcomed him as he lay down in a comfortable position being mindful of his belly. At that moment, Do Hwan couldn't be more relaxed as took sips of the hot drink.

Though he couldn't help but start to smile as his free hand gently rested on his stomach and he could feel his daughter moving and kicking around in his belly. It was a feeling like no other and it was the best feeling in the entire world the more she moved the more she began to make him laugh.

"You're becoming quite a little kicker there Sarang aren't you huh?"

Do Hwan couldn't agree more with his own words but the more his little girl was kicking the more it was starting to hurt a little.

"Calm down with the kicks now sweet pea it's starting to hurt appa."

With his calming voice and soothing ministrations on his belly, his little girl soon settled down and ceased moving and kicking for a while and Do Hwan only smiled.

"You're definitely my daughter Sarang."

Picking something to watch on Netflix he knew then he was settled for the rest of the day and nothing would be able to make him move unless he got hungry or need to pee, he wasn't going to move from that bed.

In his moment of bliss, he had never felt more comfortable, calm and relaxed.

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