Road To Recovery

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It was early in the morning when Do Hwan woke from his slumber, opening his eyes and wiping the sleep from his eyes he turned his head towards his left and was greeted by the sight of his daughter who was also starting to wake up

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It was early in the morning when Do Hwan woke from his slumber, opening his eyes and wiping the sleep from his eyes he turned his head towards his left and was greeted by the sight of his daughter who was also starting to wake up. For a moment he watched as she moved her arms and legs to stretch while making cute cooing noises.

Getting up from the bed he had been given by the nurses for him to be able to stay in the room and be close to Sarang, taking the few steps towards the hospital cot she was laying in a small smile appeared on his face as he reached into the cot to gently take hold of her hand as she immediately grabbed hold of his fingers and almost rubbing them against her cheek.

"Good morning sweetheart. You're appa's brave girl aren't you huh? Yes, you are."

The room was quiet and calm and the only sound of the heart monitor echoed around the
room as he continued to soothe her, his eyes never leaving her. From now on Do Hwan knew that it would be a waiting game to see if Sarang would recover from this ordeal.

Though one thing he wasn't able to get used to was the tubes all over her little body. He knew right at this moment it was the only way at giving her a chance of survival at fighting the infection but he also knew in himself that he would be lying if he had said he wasn't the least
bit anxious because he knew in reality at any moment something could happen so much so, as at the moment she was very weak, that her heart would stop and she would stop breathing he just hoped that would never ever happen.

For now, all he could do was watch over her and put his hand in the cot and stroke her head or hold her hand to give her comfort to let her know that her appa was right beside her never to leave her side.


An hour later it wasn't long before Sarang had woken up from her nap but immediately began fussing, seeing this Do Hwan was quick to comfort his daughter. Gently grabbing hold of her hand he rubbed his thumb up and down the back of her hand hoping it would help her to settle.

"Hey, It's okay bubba what's wrong? It's okay."

Continuing the soothing ministrations it helped her calm down a little but he could see she was still unsettled. By this point, he longed to be able to pick her up and hold her but he knew that he couldn't do anything until the doctors had given him the all-clear to do so.

With a knock at the door Do Hwan looked to see the doctor who was overseeing the care of his daughter enter the room.

"Good morning Mr Woo I've come to check on Sarang and I have brought formula you can give her through her feeding tube like you have been doing as normal. Now it will be safe to do so you can feed and hold her if you like."

Without needing to think twice, Do Hwan nodded and smiled his heart jumping for joy, "Yes, please I would like that more than anything.", he replied.

"Alright, if you could sit right to the back of that chair for me and get yourself comfortable I'll hand her over to you."

He watched intently as the doctor carefully lifted his little girl out of the incubator before making the few steps towards him as he instinctively reached out to take a gentle hold of his daughter.

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