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Later that evening, Do Hwan woke to the sound of Sarang's heart-wrenching cries as there was a flash followed by a clap of thunder.

"Don't cry, bunny it's alright, it's alright sweetheart.", he said while trying to soothe her as he carefully picked her up to hold her close her face was bright red while tear marks stained her cheeks as more tears filled her eyes.

Being snuggled against her father's chest meant she soon calmed down and her cries turned into sniffles.

"What's wrong darling, huh, did you need cuddles?".

He quickly got his answer as wriggled and tried to snuggle closer to him. He smiled as he placed a kiss on her head and rubbed her back, tilting his head and looking down at her, he watched as she looked at him directly giving him her beautiful doe eyes.

A few minutes later another white flash could be seen followed by a loud clap of thunder that only caused it to scared her, shock her.

"Hey, it's alright Sarang, I'm here darling."

Sarang continued to cry as another loud boom of thunder was heard overhead spooking her to no end, it was so heartbreaking to see and hear her so upset and all Do Hwan could do was to try and console her, comfort her.

Thankfully the storm eventually passed over and to Do Hwan's much need relief.

"Shh - shh it's okay bunny it's okay appa's here. Did the big bad storm scare you hmm? It's alright.", he spoke softly placing a kiss on her forehead while using his free hand to rub her thumb across her head in a soothing motion to give her comfort and it wasn't long before Sarang began showing signs she was hungry wiggling and moving around while moving her head.

Pressing the button above his bed he only had to wait a few moments until a nurse came into the room.

"I sorry to be pressing the button so late but my daughter has woken up and she's hungry could I have some milk for her please."

"Of course, I'll be back in a minute."

Before long the nurse returned with a bottle of milk and gave it to Do Hwan before the room fell silent again.

Putting the bottle to her lips he watched as his baby girl latched on and began drinking and it seemed she was ready for it as she started to drink eagerly making cute noises and in turn making him chuckle.

"Easy darling slow down a little you'll end up with a stomach ache", Do Hwan told his daughter softly gently stroking her head before lowering his head and placing a kiss upon it, and though she couldn't understand what he was saying right in this moment in time he never wanted to stop, for he loved having Sarang in his arms in his life.

His beautiful daughter meant so much to him, nine months they had waited to be able to meet, hold her, and he couldn't feel more blessed.

Soon Sarang had finished drinking from the bottle and as Do Hwan burped her holding her length ways supporting her head and lower body he listened as cute noises left her mouth this time followed loud burp he didn't think was possible for a baby to make.

"Oh, little miss Sarang what a big burp for a little baby.", Do Hwan spoke while he couldn't help but chuckle after hearing the burp, and soon there after a tiny yawn escaped Sarang's mouth as her eyes started to close.

Gently rocking her daughter in her arms she began to sing a song softly lulling her to sleep.

With Sarang now sound asleep and Do Hwan laying her down beside him as he lay down with her, looking upon her with a soft and gentle gaze watching her tiny movements and hearing her soft breathing he to soon found himself in a deep sleep as the family of two spent the night together.

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