KBS World Tv - The Return Of Superman Part 1

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January 2024

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January 2024

The crisp winter air in Seoul carried the promise of a new year as Do Hwan prepared for a journey that would not only redefine his life but also change the perceptions of many.

Do Hwan couldn't contain his excitement and nervousness. Sarang, with her contagious laughter and sparkling eyes, seemed oblivious to the cameras that would soon capture their daily life. The apartment buzzed with activity as the crew, consisting of two cameramen, set up their equipment.

The cameramen, wearing warm smiles, introduced themselves to Do Hwan and Sarang before they set to work strategically placing cameras around the cozy apartment. Small, unobtrusive devices captured every corner, ensuring that no precious moment would go unnoticed. Two larger cameras were set up, ready to document the heartwarming story that was about to unfold with the camera men hiding away under tepee's.

As they finalised their preparations, Do Hwan looked at Sarang, who was happily playing with her toys. The world outside their apartment was about to get a glimpse into their unique and loving relationship. It was a moment of vulnerability and strength, and Do Hwan was ready to embrace it.

More importantly, it was an opportunity to educate the South Korean public not just about Down's syndrome but disabilities as a whole, breaking down stereotypes and fostering a deeper understanding of the capabilities and joys that come with raising a child with special needs.

As they began Do Hwan sat in front of the camera, his nerves tingling with a mix of excitement and apprehension. He introduced himself with a warm smile.

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Woo Do Hwan," he greeted, looking into the lens. "I want to introduce you to someone very special—my daughter, Sarang."

With a gentle smile, he lifted Sarang onto his knee. The little girl's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she giggled, watching the cameras capturing their every move.

"Sarang, can you say hello to everyone?" Do Hwan encouraged.

Sarang's response, however, was a series of jumbled sounds that melted into laughter. Undeterred, Do Hwan mirrored her laughter, creating a lighthearted atmosphere.


The day continued as if the cameras weren't there.

Sarang, with her infectious smile, sat on her father's lap, oblivious to the cameras capturing their every move. Do Hwan spoke from the heart, "I want people to see the beauty in our everyday life. Sarang has taught me more about love and acceptance than any role I've played."

The following scenes captured the pair going about their daily routine. Do Hwan's home, usually a private sanctuary, transformed into a stage for the world to witness. The camera crew discreetly hid under teepees in the corners of the living room, attempting to capture the authenticity of their interactions.

As the day unfolded, Sarang's curiosity piqued. She noticed the hidden cameras and, with her walking frame, approached each one, giggling as she got up close to the lens. Her innocence and genuine joy would capture the hearts of everyone watching. Do Hwan chuckled, realising that, even with the cameras, Sarang's spirit remained untamed.

"Do you see the camera, Sarang?" Do Hwan asked with a playful grin.

Sarang responded with a gleeful nod, her eyes sparkling with delight. She continued her exploration, going around the teepees and addressing each camera operator individually, "H - hewwo!" Her limited speech didn't hinder her ability to connect, and her actions spoke louder than words.

Do Hwan, watching from the kitchen, chuckled at his daughter's antics. He knew that Sarang's infectious personality was their greatest asset in breaking down societal barriers. With a proud smile, he continued with the daily routine, preparing her feed to be delivered through the NG tube.

"Sarang, come here, sweetheart," he called, and Sarang, with her walking frame, made her way over to her father. He gently lifted her onto the sofa beside him, their bond evident in the way she nestled against him.

Connecting the feed to the pump, which, in turn, connected to Sarang's NG tube, Do Hwan pressed the start button. As the pump hummed softly, he leaned over and planted a tender kiss on Sarang's cheek.

As the first day of filming concluded, Do Hwan reflected on the purpose behind this project. It wasn't just about showcasing his life; it was about changing perceptions, spreading awareness, and fostering acceptance.

"I hope that through this, people can see the joy Sarang brings into my life and understand that every child, regardless of abilities, deserves love and acceptance," he expressed, looking into the camera with sincerity. 

The television segment aimed not only to showcase the beauty of their unique bond but also to shed light on the importance of creating a more inclusive society for individuals with disabilities. As the crew wrapped up for the day, Do Hwan looked at Sarang, who was snuggled up in his arms.

"Today was special, Sarang. We're going to help people understand that different is beautiful," he whispered, planting a kiss on her forehead.

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