Thinking About Nursery

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Do Hwan sat at his kitchen table, staring at the screen of his laptop

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Do Hwan sat at his kitchen table, staring at the screen of his laptop. The cursor blinked on the search results page, reminding him of the urgency of his task.

With the start of June fast approaching, he needed to find the right nursery for Sarang before the second term began in September. It was crucial to find a place where she would be well looked after and where her needs would be met. He had narrowed it down to two nurseries in the area. Today, he would call each one to decide which would be best for his daughter.

Do Hwan took a deep breath and picked up his phone. The first nursery on his list was "Sunny Day Nursery." He dialed the number.

"Hello, Sunny Day Nursery, how can I help you?" a cheerful voice answered.

"Hello, my name is Woo Do Hwan. I'm looking for a nursery for my two-year-old daughter, Sarang. She has Down's syndrome. I was wondering if you have experience with children who have special needs."

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line. "Yes, Mr. Woo, we do have experience with children with special needs. We have trained staff who can provide the necessary support and care. Would you like to schedule a visit to see our facilities and meet with our staff?"

"Yes, that would be great," Do Hwan replied, feeling a bit more at ease. "Can I come by tomorrow afternoon?"

"Certainly! We look forward to meeting you and Sarang. See you tomorrow."

After ending the call, Do Hwan felt a sense of relief. One down, two to go. He quickly jotted down the appointment in his planner before dialing the next number on his list, "Bright Futures Nursery."

"Good morning, Bright Futures Nursery. How can I assist you today?" another friendly voice answered.

"Hello, my name is Woo Do Hwan. I'm looking for a nursery for my daughter, Sarang. She has Down's syndrome and some developmental delays. I want to ensure she'll receive the right support and care."

"We have a wonderful team here at Bright Futures, Mr. Woo," the voice assured him. "Our staff is trained to work with children who have various needs. We focus on creating an inclusive environment where every child can thrive. Would you like to come for a tour?"

"Yes, that sounds good. How about the day after tomorrow in the morning?"

"That works perfectly. We'll see you then."

With two appointments set, Do Hwan felt a growing sense of hope. He turned to Sarang, who was now attempting to stand on her own, her determination evident. "You're doing great, sweetheart," he encouraged her, his heart swelling with pride.

Do Hwan leaned back in his chair, feeling a sense of accomplishment. He had taken the first crucial steps towards finding the right place for Sarang. He knew that visiting each nursery would give him a better idea of where she would be happiest and most supported.

Sarang looked up at him, her eyes sparkling with joy and pride, and his heart melted. No matter what challenges lay ahead, he knew they would face them together. The journey to finding the right nursery was just the beginning, but for Sarang, he would move mountains.


Over the next few days, Do Hwan and Sarang visited the nurseries. Each had its strengths, but his priority was to find a place where Sarang felt safe, happy, and nurtured.

They were greeted by Ms. Kim, the nursery director, who immediately crouched down to Sarang's level and introduced herself. "Hello, Sarang! My name is Ms. Kim. I'm happy to meet you."

Sarang shyly hid behind her father, peeking out with curious eyes. Do Hwan chuckled. "She's a little shy at first, but she'll warm up."

Ms. Kim stood and smiled warmly at him. "That's perfectly fine. Let's take a tour, and I'll show you around."

As they walked through the nursery, Do Hwan noticed the clean, well-organized rooms filled with engaging activities for children. Ms. Kim pointed out the sensory room, designed to help children with different needs develop their skills. "This is one of our special areas where children can explore and learn at their own pace," she explained.

He watched as Sarang interacted with the staff, noting how they gently encouraged her to explore.

The nursery was bright and welcoming, filled with artwork and cheerful decorations. The sensory play area was impressive, with soft mats, tactile toys, and calming lights. Do Hwan felt a sense of comfort knowing that Sarang would have access to such a stimulating environment. They met with the staff, who explained how they would support Sarang's development.

"Your daughter is beautiful, Mr. Woo," said Ms. Kim, the head teacher. "We would love to have her join in September."

"Thank you," Do Hwan replied, feeling hopeful.

After the tour, Ms. Kim sat down with Do Hwan to discuss Sarang's needs in more detail. "We will work closely with you to create an individualized plan for Sarang, ensuring she gets the support she needs while also allowing her to enjoy her time here," she assured him.

"Thank you, Ms. Kim,"

As they left Sunny Day Nursery, Do Hwan felt a sense of hope and optimism. He looked down at Sarang, who was now holding his hand tightly. "What do you think, Sarang? Did you like it?"

"Play!" Sarang said again, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Do Hwan smiled, knowing they had found the right place. He made a mental note to call the other nursery and cancel their visit. Sunny Day Nursery was where Sarang would begin her new journey, surrounded by people who understood and cared for her needs.

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