Police Questions

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Do Hwan stood by the kitchen counter, eyes lost in the delicate dance of sunlight filtering through the sheer curtains

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Do Hwan stood by the kitchen counter, eyes lost in the delicate dance of sunlight filtering through the sheer curtains. The warmth of the morning did little to dispel the chill clinging to his bones. His daughter, Sarang, sat in her high chair, her small fingers tapping rhythmically on the plastic tray in front of her. She looked up at him with a wide, innocent smile, her eyes twinkling.

"Appa," she said, her voice a soft murmur.

"Yes, my love?" Do Hwan replied, with a smile as he approached her. He gently adjusted the NG tube that was held on by tape that ran from her nose to the small pump on the counter, ensuring it was secure before starting her morning feed.

Sarang giggled, her joy a stark contrast to the turmoil within him. Just some hours ago, his life had been upended in the most unimaginable way. He had escaped from the clutches of a man from his past, a man who had not only attacked him two years ago, resulting in Sarang's conception, but had now also injected him with a serum that transformed him into a Wolfblood—a human capable of turning into a wolf at will.

"Everything's going to be alright," he whispered more to himself than to Sarang, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face. She looked up at him, her gaze trusting and unburdened by the world's cruelties.

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Do Hwan's heart skipped a beat. He knew who it was—Sang-yi before leaving and going home had informed him that the police would be coming today to take his statement. The thought of reliving the nightmare he had just escaped from made his stomach churn, but he knew it had to be done.

"Sarang, stay here with your toys, okay? Appa will be right back," he said, giving her a quick kiss on the forehead. He walked to the door, his footsteps echoing in the quiet apartment. Taking a deep breath, he opened it to reveal two policemen standing there, their expressions serious yet compassionate.

"Mr. Woo Do Hwan?" one of them asked, his voice steady.

"Yes, that's me. Please, come in," Do Hwan replied, stepping aside to let them enter. The officers nodded and walked in, their eyes scanning the modest living space before settling on the kitchen table where Do Hwan gestured for them to sit.

"Thank you for seeing us on such short notice," the second officer said as they took their seats. "We understand this must be a difficult time for you."

Do Hwan nodded, sitting across from them. "Yes, it is. But I know this needs to be done."

"Can you start by telling us what happened on the night of your kidnapping?" the first officer asked, pulling out a notepad.

Do Hwan nodded, his mind racing to frame the events without revealing the supernatural elements. "I had run out of formula for my daughter. She's fed through an NG tube, so it's essential that I have enough. I went down the street to the pharmacy to get more. On my way back, I encountered Kim Haneul."

The officers exchanged a glance. "Kim Haneul, the same man who attacked you two years ago?" Officer Kim clarified.

"Yes, the same," Do Hwan confirmed, his voice steady. "He approached me, and before I knew it, he had knocked me out. When I woke up, I was in an unfamiliar place, restrained."

"Did he say why he took you?" Officer Park asked, his pen poised above his notebook.

Do Hwan hesitated. "He... he didn't say much. Just that he had plans for me. I managed to escape when he left me unattended for a moment."

"And how did you get back home?" Officer Kim inquired.

"I ran," Do Hwan said simply. "I didn't stop until I got home. My only thought was to get back to my daughter."

The officers scribbled in their notebooks, nodding. "We understand this must have been a traumatic experience, Mr. Woo," Officer Park said sympathetically. "We will do everything we can to find Kim Haneul and ensure he's brought to justice."

"Thank you," Do Hwan said, relief washing over him. As much as he wanted justice, he also knew he had to protect the secret of his transformation. The world wasn't ready for that truth, and neither was he.

As the officers stood to leave, Officer Kim glanced at Sarang, who was watching them with wide eyes. "Your daughter is beautiful," he said with a kind smile.

"Thank you," Do Hwan replied, returning the smile.


After the officers left, Do Hwan sat back on the couch, feeling the weight of the past few days settle heavily on his shoulders. He had told Sang-yi everything about his transformation, and his friend had been supportive, but the reality of his new life was daunting.

"Appa, O - okie?" Sarang asked, her voice full of concern.

Do Hwan walked towards her and scooped her up into his arms, holding her close. "Appa is okay, Sarang. As long as I have you, I'll always be okay."

He knew he had to navigate this new reality carefully. The abilities he now possessed were both a gift and a curse, and he had to learn to control them for Sarang's sake. His priority was to keep her safe and ensure she had a happy, healthy life.

Looking into Sarang's eyes, Do Hwan felt a renewed sense of purpose. He would protect her, no matter what. And he would find a way to live with the wolf inside him, for her.

For now, the immediate danger had passed, but Do Hwan knew his life had irrevocably changed. He had to protect Sarang from not only the threats of the past but also the new, unpredictable challenges that came with being a Wolfblood. As he held his daughter, the weight of his responsibilities felt heavier than ever, but his resolve to keep her safe and give her the best life possible was unshakeable.

"One step at a time," he told himself. "One day at a time."

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