Cartoons and cuddles

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As the first rays of dawn filtered through the curtains, Do Hwan's eyes fluttered open

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As the first rays of dawn filtered through the curtains, Do Hwan's eyes fluttered open. He found himself still nestled beside Sarang's bed, his arm draped protectively over her small frame. Despite the fatigue that had settled into his bones, he had remained by her side throughout the night, never leaving her alone even for a moment.

He watched her chest rise and fall in a rhythm that brought a sense of relief to his heart. Tenderly, he brushed a strand of hair away from her forehead, his touch gentle and filled with an unconditional love that knew no bounds.

With a cautious movement, he slid out of the bed and moved to the bathroom. He returned with a damp cloth and placed it gently on Sarang's forehead, the coolness offering a soothing relief to her still-warm skin. His actions were slow and deliberate, his love for his daughter evident in every gesture.

"Morning, my Sarang," he whispered, his voice a hushed murmur as he brushed his fingers over her cheek. Sarang stirred, her eyes fluttering open to reveal a sleepy smile. Despite the fatigue that clung to her, her gaze held a glimmer of recognition, a connection that went beyond words.

As the morning deepened and the sun rose higher in the sky, Do Hwan and Sarang found themselves curled up on the sofa. The room was bathed in the soft glow of the television, Sarang's favorite cartoons playing on the screen. She lay on his chest, nestled in the warmth of his embrace, a soft blanket cocooning them both.

He ran his fingers through her hair absentmindedly, his touch a soothing balm as he monitored her temperature at intervals. Sarang's eyes remained fixated on the colorful characters dancing across the television, her occasional giggles filling the room. Each laugh was a melody that resonated in his heart, a testament to the preciousness of these moments they shared.

As colorful animated characters danced across the screen, Sarang's eyes lit up with delight. She gazed at the screen, her fingers occasionally reaching out to touch the vibrant images as if trying to capture the magic within her grasp. Do Hwan watched her, his heart swelling with a mixture of pride and love.

With one hand, he reached for the thermometer on the coffee table and gently placed it in Sarang's ear. He waited for a moment, his gaze never leaving his daughter's face. When the thermometer beeped softly, he retrieved it and glanced at the display. The fever seemed to be still the same and he hoped it would break soon.


Sarang lay on his chest, her head rising and falling with each breath he took. He had adjusted the blanket to ensure she was warm and comfortable, his arm wrapped gently around her small frame.

He glanced down at Sarang, his heart swelling with both pride and a touch of sadness. Sarang's developmental delays were a constant challenge, especially in moments like this when he wished he could hear her voice more often or see her walk around freely. But he never let those challenges dampen his spirits. Instead, he focused on the beautiful moments they shared, the unspoken connection that transcended words.

His fingers began to trace soothing patterns on her back, a gesture that always seemed to relax her. He marveled at her resilience, her ability to find joy in the simplest of moments. The world might see her struggles, but he saw her strength and her unwavering spirit.

The thought of her next feed crossed his mind. Sarang had been fed through an NG tube since birth, unable to consume food in the traditional way. He glanced at the medical equipment nearby, his heart twisting with a mixture of sadness and determination. He had learned how to administer her feed with precision, a skill he had acquired out of sheer love and necessity.

He gently shifted, his movements careful not to disturb Sarang's peaceful rest. He made his way to the kitchen, his steps light yet purposeful. With practiced ease, he prepared the special feed that Sarang needed as she began to wake from her slumber.

Returning to the living room, he sat down beside Sarang and delicately connected the feed to her NG tube. "You ready for your feed, sweetheart?" he inquired, a soft smile gracing his lips.

Sarang's eyes met his, a mixture of trust and adoration shining within them. "Yeah, Appa," she replied.

His touch was gentle, his fingers careful as he ensured everything was in place. As the feed began to flow, he glanced down at Sarang, his heart swelling with a complex blend of emotions. Love, tenderness, determination-they all coalesced into a fierce protectiveness that fuelled his actions.

He settled her comfortably against him once again, their heartbeats in sync as they faced this challenge together. As the liquid nutrition began to flow, he continued to stroke her back, a soothing rhythm that accompanied her feeding.

Gently, he shifted on the sofa, ensuring that Sarang remained comfortable on his chest. His fingers brushed against her forehead. The concern in his eyes was palpable, the love he felt for his daughter overwhelming any sense of fatigue or worry.

As he watched her, his eyes softened with a mixture of admiration and affection. Sarang's journey might be challenging, but he was there with her every step of the way.

As the pump hummed softly, delivering the nourishment Sarang needed, Do Hwan held her close. His hand rested tenderly on her head, his fingers threading through her soft hair. The other hand continued its rhythmic motion, rubbing her back in a gesture that conveyed more love than words ever could.

"Do you know how much I love you, Sarang?" he murmured, his voice a soft murmur against her ear. Sarang looked up at him, her eyes twinkling as she managed to form a few words.

"Love... Appa."

Tears glistened in Do Hwan's eyes as he held his daughter even tighter. In moments like these, their bond felt unbreakable, their love unconditional.

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