KBS World Tv - The Return Of Superman Part 2

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The opportunity to participate in "The Return of Superman," a popular segment on KBS showcasing celebrity fathers and their children, came at a pivotal time

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The opportunity to participate in "The Return of Superman," a popular segment on KBS showcasing celebrity fathers and their children, came at a pivotal time. Do Hwan saw it as a chance to shed light on raising a child with Down's syndrome in a society where disabilities are often stigmatized. He agreed to a two-month segment, hoping to offer insight into his daily life and raise awareness for a cause close to his heart.

As filming for the segment continued, Do Hwan found himself immersed in the role of a single father, juggling his acting career with the demands of parenting. Sarang became the centre of his world, her infectious laughter and boundless curiosity bringing joy into their home.

As the morning progressed, Do Hwan went about his routine, attending to Sarang's needs with gentle care. He watched her play with her toys, her laughter echoing through the room like music to his ears. But amidst the laughter, he couldn't shake off the weight of responsibility that came with being her father.

When it was time for his shower, Do Hwan excused himself to the bathroom, leaving Sarang to play in the living room. As the warm water cascaded over him, he let out a sigh, feeling the tension melt away. But his moment of respite was short-lived when he heard Sarang's voice calling out for him.

As he dried himself off, he could hear Sarang's cheerful babbling coming from the living room. She had been recovering from a respiratory infection, and seeing her energetic and playful again brought immense relief to his heart. He smiled, thinking of the joy she brought into his life every single day.

Sarang was engrossed in her toys, her small hands moving clumsily as she tried to stack blocks together. She looked up when she heard her father's footsteps, her face lighting up with a radiant smile.

"Appa!" Sarang exclaimed, her speech slightly slurred but filled with affection.

Quickly getting dressed in his room he soon returned to the living room as Do Hwan's heart swelled with love as he scooped her up into his arms, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Did you miss me, Sarangie?" he asked, his voice filled with warmth.

Sarang nodded enthusiastically, her tiny fingers tangling in his hair. "Miss Appa!" she said, her words slurred slightly due to her speech delays.

Do Hwan chuckled softly, his heart melting at the sound of her voice. "I missed you too, sweetheart," he said, pressing another kiss to her cheek.

As he settled onto the couch with Sarang in his lap, he couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over him. This was what he lived for – these quiet moments spent with his daughter, just the two of them against the world.

Sarang nodded eagerly, her eyes alight with excitement. She wriggled in his arms, eager to be set down so she could continue her play. Do Hwan gently lowered her to the ground, watching as she crawled towards her toys with determination.


Raising Sarang on his own had its challenges, especially with her special needs. From speech therapy to physical therapy, their days were filled with appointments and activities aimed at helping her reach her full potential. But despite the obstacles they faced, there was no denying the deep bond that existed between father and daughter.

Lost in his thoughts, Do Hwan didn't notice when the cameramen capturing the tender moment between him and Sarang on film. It was moments like these that he wanted to cherish forever, the simple joys of parenthood that made all the struggles worthwhile.

Suddenly, Sarang's cheerful babbling was replaced by a plaintive cry. Do Hwan's head snapped up, his heart sinking at the sound of his daughter's distress.

"Sarang, what's wrong?" he asked, his voice filled with concern as he rushed to her side.

Tears welled up in Sarang's eyes as she struggled to find her words. "Appa... Appa..." she whimpered, her bottom lip trembling.

Do Hwan knelt down beside her, wrapping his arms around her in a comforting embrace. "I'm right here, Sarang. I'm not going anywhere," he murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her head.

Together, father and daughter sat on the floor, their arms wrapped around each other as they weathered the storm of Sarang's emotions. In that moment, nothing else mattered except the bond they shared, a bond that would carry them through whatever challenges life threw their way.

The crew chuckled softly, their cameras trained on the father-daughter duo as they interacted. Do Hwan tried his best to play along, but inside, he felt like he was crumbling under the weight of their expectations.

As the day drew to a close and the crew finally packed up their equipment, Do Hwan felt a sense of relief wash over him. He knew that their time on "The Return of Superman" had come to an end, but he also knew that the memories they had created would last a lifetime.

Turning to Sarang, he scooped her up into his arms and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Thank you for being my little superhero," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion.

Sarang smiled up at him, her eyes shining with love. "Love Appa," she said, her words a balm to his weary soul.

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