18 Weeks

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At eighteen weeks Do Hwan could see his belly was starting to grow outwardly a little more than previous weeks and he was now starting to carry low and it also meant more frequent trips to the toilet, and that was no exception.

Waking up and grabbing his phone off of the bedside table he turned it on to squint at the brightness that emitted from the screen and took a second to adjust before he could see what time it was, two o'clock in the morning. With a gentle sigh leaving his lips he knew then the reason why he had woken up, feeling pressure on his bladder he quickly had the urge to pee.

Leaving the warmth of his bed he walked across the darkly lit room towards the bathroom only to be blinded by turning on the bathroom light a second later.

Feeling a strong sharp kick low in his belly he could only wince.

"Go easy on my bladder baby girl, your kicks are definitely getting stronger huh?"

Returning to bed Do Hwan welcomed sleep once again as he had gotten comfortable with his hand subconsciously resting on his belly, moving his hand around his belly in a soothing motion in the hope it would lull and soothe Sarang to sleep.

When he woke again he was welcomed with what would seem a grey and gloomy day, the sky cloudy it wasn't long before rain followed. The gentle rain continued for a while not seeming to stop as Do Hwan lay coming around from his slumber his gentle gaze looking down at his belly.

For a few minutes, all was quiet until small fluttering and little kicks made him smile knowing that she was now awake.

"Good morning Sarang, Hi sweetheart."

Now he had reached eighteen weeks he was due for another scan and he couldn't wait to see his little girl on the screen once again and see what she is up to inside his belly, being able to watch her movements he loved it, and not forgetting being able to listen to her strong heartbeat.

For a few minutes, he stayed in bed a little longer before deciding to get out of bed and make himself breakfast, carefully moving he moved himself into a sitting position before swinging his legs over the side and getting out of bed.

Within the space of a few minutes he had gotten dressed and made it from his bedroom down the hallway and to the kitchen, he quickly settled on making some eggs, grabbing a plate from the cupboard he put it on the countertop before he turned to finish cooking the eggs and plating them up though he hadn't realised what time it was.

Looking at his phone, only then did he see what time it was but that he had overslept and would soon be running late for the scan quickly leaving his house in a hurry.


At the hospital, he made it to the reception a little out of breath, he didn't have to wait long before his name was called and he once again greeted his doctor.

"Good morning, I hope you didn't run all the way here from the car park", she asked eyeing him suspiciously.

With a sheepish grin on his face, he proceeded to lay on the bed and lifted up his shirt ready for the scan but his doctor could see a hint of worry in his eyes.

The doctor only chuckled, "Don't look so worried it's alright, but for future just be careful okay?"

He nodded in acknowledgement but there was one question on his mind, "I'm not late am I, only when I woke up I realised I slept in."

"Only by five minutes, but honestly it's alright I would have waited and you don't have to rush. Now let's see what little miss is up to shall we?"

With the gel put on his belly the scan had started, turning his head he waited for his daughter to appear and when she did a bright smile appeared on his face never to leave. He watched as Sarang continued to make small movements and he couldn't help but stare at the screen in awe.

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