Reunited With Sarang

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Before he could fully process the magnitude of Sang-yi's acceptance, he heard a sound that made his heart soar

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Before he could fully process the magnitude of Sang-yi's acceptance, he heard a sound that made his heart soar.

It was the sound of his daughter's voice, calling out for him.

His heart was pounding with a mixture of longing and fear. He had missed her more than words could express, but he couldn't shake off the gnawing fear of how she would react to seeing him in this altered state.

Sang-yi must have sensed his inner turmoil because without a word, he left the room, returning moments later with Sarang cradled in his arms. As Do Hwan laid eyes on his precious daughter, his heart clenched with love and longing.

"Sarang," he choked out, reaching out trembling hands towards her.

And then, in a moment that felt like an eternity, father and daughter locked eyes. Tears welled up in Do Hwan's eyes as Sarang's face broke into a radiant smile, her arms reaching out towards him in a gesture of pure, unadulterated love.

"A - Appa," she said, her voice soft and sweet, a melody that warmed Do Hwan's soul.

With a sob of pure joy, Do Hwan gathered Sarang into his arms, holding her close as if he never wanted to let her go. In that moment, surrounded by the love of his daughter and the unwavering acceptance of his friend, Do Hwan knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, he would face them with the strength of his family by his side.

Father and daughter locked eyes, a silent understanding passing between them as tears streamed down Do Hwan's cheeks. "Sarang... oh, Sarang. I'm sorry sweetheart, Appa never meant to be taken away from you," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion, "Appa's here. Appa's here now.", as he presses a kiss to her forehead.

Sarang's face lit up with joy as she reached out for him, her tiny hands grasping his fingers with surprising strength. Do Hwan held her close, feeling her warmth and her love wash over him like a healing balm.

He held her as close as he could afraid she might disappear if he let go, Sarang only smiled, her eyes filled with the purest love he had ever known and seen her to have.

Sang-yi watched the reunion with tearful eyes, his heart heavy with emotion. Despite everything that had happened, he knew one thing for certain: the bond between father and daughter was unbreakable.


As the day wore on and night fell, Do Hwan's thoughts drifted to the impending full moon, the primal urge to transform tugging at his senses. He knew he couldn't keep his newfound identity hidden from Sarang any longer, but he feared her reaction.

When the moment finally arrived, and the moon's silver light bathed the room, Do Hwan made a decision. With Sarang sitting before him, her innocent gaze fixed upon him, he let the transformation take hold.

His irises turned a vibrant yellow, the black veins spreading across his skin like a web of shadows. In the blink of an eye, he stood on all fours, his wolf form towering over Sarang.

For a moment, there was silence, broken only by the sound of Do Hwan's labored breaths. Then, to his astonishment, Sarang giggled, her eyes sparkling with delight.

"Appa, pretty!" she exclaimed, reaching out to touch his nose with a chubby hand.

Do Hwan's heart swelled with love and relief as he nuzzled her gently, the warmth of her laughter filling him with a sense of peace.

Sang-yi watched the tender exchange with awe, a soft smile playing on his lips. In that moment, as father and daughter embraced their new reality, he knew that nothing could ever come between them again.

Sarang then reached out again, this time her tiny fingers brushing against his ears, her laughter filling the room. In that moment, Do Hwan knew she saw him for who he truly was—her father, her protector, her own gentle wolf.

And as he playfully nuzzled against her, her giggles echoing in the night, Do Hwan felt a sense of peace wash over him. For in the eyes of his daughter, he found acceptance and unconditional love.

Sang-yi watched on, his heart swelling with warmth. In that simple, tender moment, he saw the bond between father and daughter, unbreakable and pure.

As the night wore on, they played together, a family united by love and acceptance. And amidst the chaos of his dual existence, Do Hwan found solace in the embrace of his daughter's laughter, knowing that no matter what trials lay ahead, they would face them together, as a family.

Her laughter echoed through the room as she reached out to touch her father's furry ears.

Do Hwan's heart swelled with relief as he watched Sarang's acceptance. Despite his fears, she saw past the beast to the man beneath, her love unwavering and pure.

With a playful growl, Do Hwan engaged his daughter in a gentle bout of play-fighting, their laughter mingling in the moonlit room. In that moment, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, they found solace in each other's embrace.

 In that moment, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, they found solace in each other's embrace

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