First Kick

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Over the next two days, Do Hwan watched and monitored his phone and saw many of his fans had left comments asking if it was true, what was going on while others had left congratulations with lots of hearts but there was also a small handful of people who were clearly not fans were being spiteful leaving unkind and hurtful comments.

He tried his best to ignore such comments but sometimes it was a little difficult when he would come across them without meaning to and it broke his heart, some had said they hoped that he has a miscarriage and that hurt more than anything, they could say things about him but never ever say anything about his baby.

Tossing his phone to the side he turned his attention to the outside world as he sat in the cosy spot that was the bay window of his room, it was mid afternoon with the sun cast low giving off a warm orange glow that filled the whole of the room. Taking a breath a deep sigh then left his mouth trying to clear and calm his mind but it seemed on this occasion it was easier said than done, he knew he would have to wait long before the news continued to circulate even more and more people heard about it and he knew he would be asked to do an interview but how many would he end up doing? that was his question.

With his stomach beginning to rumble it broke him from his thoughts as he started to crave something sweet but savoury, with a soft smile on his face he left his room and headed down towards the kitchen were looking through the cupboards looking for every single ingredient need to make the pancakes he wanted. Before long the pancakes were done, as he added a few extra toppings and he enjoyed every mouthful after all he wasn't just eating for himself but the baby too.


A short while later he grew tired of being in the house and needed some fresh air, grabbing and putting on his coat and shoes he stepped out locking the door behind him and setting off taking a short walk not too far from the house.

With a gentle breeze in the air and leaves falling from the trees came as a welcoming calm for his mind to give him chance to forget his current worries even just for a short while, coming across the local park he walked a short way along the path before coming to rest and sitting on a bench under a blossom tree looking out on a stream.

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath he listened closely to the flowing sound of the stream before exhaling and opening his eyes once again, for a moment all was serene and calm with the blossom trees gently swaying in the breeze but what happened next came as a beautiful surprise.

In his stomach, he began to feel a fluttering sensation within like butterfly's were flying around, putting his hand to his stomach he longed to feel it and he didn't have to wait long to be able to have the chance to feel it and when he did his eyes widened in realisation, his baby girl had kicked for the first time.

"Oh, hi... hi sweet girl I felt you move, you kicked didn't you huh? my love, my Sarang.", he spoke softly gently rubbing his belly where she had kicked. There and then he knew that was her name and felt his heart skip a beat at the sound of it, it was perfect and he had never been more sure of anything as a smile appeared never to leave his face.

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