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The crisp autumn air had settled over Seoul, bringing with it the vibrant hues of orange and red leaves that blanketed the streets

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The crisp autumn air had settled over Seoul, bringing with it the vibrant hues of orange and red leaves that blanketed the streets. It was October 31st, and the city was buzzing with excitement for Halloween.

Today was a special day, and Do Hwan couldn't wait to see the look on Sarang's face when she discovered the Halloween decorations that he had put up the night before.

With the dawn of the day, Do Hwan tiptoed into Sarang's room. He could hear her soft breathing, and he smiled as he watched her sleep peacefully. Her tiny chest rose and fell with every breath, and her tousled hair framed her angelic face.

"Sarang-ah," Do Hwan whispered gently, "It's Halloween today, my little pumpkin."

"A - Appa" 

"Yes, sweetheart," Do Hwan replied, his heart melting at the sight of her. 

"Do you want to see something fun, Sarang?" Do Hwan asked, using simple words and exaggerated gestures to communicate with his daughter.

Sarang nodded vigorously, her eyes shining with excitement. She trusted her Appa completely, and her unbridled enthusiasm was infectious.

With great care, Do Hwan scooped Sarang into his arms and carried her out of her room, down the hallway, and into the living room. The moment Sarang laid eyes on the Halloween decorations, her face broke into the most beautiful smile.

"P - kin!" she exclaimed, pointing at a Jack-o'-lantern decoration.

"Yes, Sarang, that's a pumpkin!" Do Hwan replied, his voice brimming with pride.

Sarang's unsteady legs dangled as she clapped her hands in delight, her eyes flitting from one decoration to another. She was enchanted by the paper ghosts hanging from the ceiling, the spooky cobwebs draped over the furniture, and the flickering candles that cast eerie shadows on the walls.


They spent the morning playing games, carving a pumpkin, and watching Sarang's favorite cartoons. Do Hwan couldn't help but marvel at the sheer innocence and pure happiness his daughter radiated. Despite the challenges she faced, Sarang's laughter and smiles were like rays of sunshine in their lives.

As the day wore on, Do Hwan retreated to his own room, where he had prepared a special surprise. He emerged from his bedroom dressed in a vampire costume, complete with pale makeup, fake fangs, a black waistcoat, a flowing cape, and Cuban heel boots. He wanted to make this Halloween unforgettable for his little bat.

She looked so cute her in her little bat costume. She had tiny wings attached to her back, and her wide eyes gazed at him, taking in his vampire attire.

Sarang's eyes widened as she took in her father's transformation. She giggled, clapping her hands in delight. "A - Appa vampire!" she exclaimed, her words still a bit muddled but full of enthusiasm.

He couldn't help but laugh as he picked her up and took her to look in the mirror. "Look at us, Sarang. We're a spooky pair!"

They looked perfect together, and Do Hwan couldn't resist taking countless pictures to capture the moment.

Before they headed out, Do Hwan ensured that Sarang received her feed through the NG tube in her nose. He had become adept at managing her medical needs, and her health was his top priority.

With his little bat tucked safely in his arms, they ventured out into the streets of Seoul. As they strolled through the city, they marveled at the elaborate Halloween decorations adorning homes and shops. Sarang's eyes were wide with wonder, and she clung to her father, feeling safe and happy in his presence.

The city was alive with Halloween festivities, people in all sorts of costumes, and decorations that lit up the evening.

They joined the Halloween parade, where Do Hwan couldn't help but laugh as Sarang kept looking up at him in wonder. Her Appa, the vampire, had become the center of her attention, and she clung to him tightly, as if she found comfort and security in his costume.

As they strolled through the streets, Do Hwan made sure to stop at every candy station and trick-or-treat, even though Sarang couldn't enjoy the candies like other children. He would later sneak them into her candy jar for her to admire and play with.

The night was filled with laughter, joy, and love as father and daughter celebrated their first Halloween together. For Do Hwan, it was a reminder that the most precious moments in life were the ones they shared. Sarang was his greatest treasure, and together, they could conquer any challenge that life threw their way.

With Sarang in his arms, dressed as a little bat, they made their way home, their hearts full of the magic of Halloween and the love they had for each other.

"Happy Halloween, Sarang-ah," Do Hwan whispered as he kissed her forehead. "I love you more than anything in this world."

Sarang, nestled in her Appa's embrace, replied with a heartwarming smile. And in that moment, as they embraced the magic of Halloween, they also embraced the magic of their unbreakable bond as father and daughter.

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