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Two days later a knock at the door he was this time he was greeted by a specialist nurse and he knew what that meant, she would be taking Sarang to have more tests done and to check her over and check her health. The tests had started the day before which meant having to be away from Sarang for a short period of time and he hated it, he hated the feeling of knowing that while such tests were underway she would be agitated and upset and was glad when she came back into the safety of his arms, today was no exception.

"Hello Mr Woo, I'm afraid it's that time again I need to take Sarang for some more tests."

With a small sigh leaving his lips and with Sarang in his arms, he looked down upon her with a soft, gentle loving gaze in his eyes before pressing a kiss to her head.

Moving her into the arms of the nurse he watched and listened as she began to whimper and a small, yet slight whine left her mouth.

"Shh, shh it's okay Sarang it's alright sweet pea. I know, I know.", he spoke softly placing his hand on her head for a moment as he lifted his head to give her a kiss atop her head.

"Don't worry, it won't take long and I'll soon have her back to you, she'll be fine.", the nurse replied to reassure him.

As the nurse left with Sarang, Do Hwan kept his eyes on his daughter until she was out of sight, and the room quickly fell into silence.

For the time being, he couldn't leave his bed unless he needed to use the bathroom as his body was still recovering and needed to rest until he would be discharged from the hospital in a few days time but he still disliked not being able to stay with Sarang while the doctors were doing the tests.

It had only been a few minutes but it felt like Sarang had been gone hours, every few seconds when he heard movement in the corridor he found himself looking towards the door but no one would come in. Grabbing his phone Do Hwan tried to keep himself occupied by playing a game but it only seemed to last ten minutes before he found himself thinking of his daughter and starting to feel anxious for worry she would be upset and needed his comfort.

But he waited patiently and after what felt like a lifetime he found himself breathing a sigh of relief and could relax again when he saw the door opening and in walked the nurse with Sarang, but something didn't feel right something was wrong and he could see that just by the look on the nurse's face. Taking Sarang in his arms he looked upon her to see she had a feeding tube he knew then they must have found something.

"S- she needs a feeding tube."

"Yes, it appears that over the last couple of days she has been struggling to feed and gain weight. She has been hiding it well and has managed to cope hence It not being noticeable at first, and although she has been drinking the milk that has started to change and doctors have had to intervene and give Sarang a feeding tube."

The sudden news was a lot to take in and the nurse took it has her time to leave, "If you have any questions when you're ready to ask please let me know."

With that, the nurse had left as Do Hwan he changed position bringing his knees towards his chest before gently moving Sarang to lay against his thighs. Watching her for a moment, moving his hand he brought it close to her head using his finger to gently stroke her head which instantly began to soothe her as she grumbled and whimpered as her eyes began to droop.

"Shh shh, it's alright, it's alright sweetheart go to sleep. I'm right here it's okay."

The Unexpected Gift | Woo Do HwanWhere stories live. Discover now