A Set Back

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By the next mid-morning the next day everything seemed okay, Sarang was responding to treatment for the infection she had and were going to test and see if she could now breathe for herself without any assistance

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By the next mid-morning the next day everything seemed okay, Sarang was responding to treatment for the infection she had and were going to test and see if she could now breathe for herself without any assistance. From first being told this Do Hwan wasn't sure what to think and was very unsure and nervous about it and worried that if they removed the breathing tube that she wasn't ready and be sent into shock and she would start to struggle for breath.

As per usual he watched over his daughter as she lay in the cot and soothed her whenever she became agitated and unsettled and needed comfort.

A short while later and Do Hwan found himself sitting back in the chair as he lay back getting comfortable before gently and carefully laying his daughter on his chest. Grabbing a blanket from beside him, he placed it over himself and Sarang to keep her warm and comfortable.

Looking down at her he smiled, "Is better sweetheart?", he didn't need an answer to that as he could see that she was already falling asleep. He was glad that she was able to fall back to sleep even if it meant she was more comfortable against his chest rather than sleeping in the cot even if it was just for a short while.

Gently moving his hand up and down her back he continued the soothing motion watching as it helped her relax and fall into a comfortable sleep, Placing a kiss atop her head a small smile appeared on his face as a sigh of contentment left his mouth.

Before long there was a knock at the door he expected to see the doctor who was currently caring for Sarang but instead was surprised to see his personal doctor who had been with him throughout his pregnancy and was there when Sarang was born.

"Hello Do Hwan, I'm sorry I haven't been here I had to take a week's leave for a conference abroad but as soon as my colleague told me about Sarang I came back as soon as I could. Her oversee of care has been given back to me so I've come to see her and give her a check-up and see what else we can do to help her fight off this infection."

Do Hwan nodded in understanding and adjusted his hold on her a little so that his doctor could check her over but it was clear that she didn't want to be moved away from the warmth of his chest and the sound of his heartbeat and once the doctor began checking her over it was made even more clear that she didn't want to be prodded and poked.

"Shh, it's alright, it's okay darling it won't be for long.", he whispered trying to soothe her.


That afternoon Sarang was back in the cot fast asleep and Do Hwan was curled up asleep in the chair beside his daughter taking the chance to take a nap before she woke up and needed attention, for almost two hours both father and daughter slept soundly but that quickly changed. A loud beeping sound emitting from the machines and monitors made him jump awake from his sleep and he could only immediately start to panic, looking at his little girl he could see she was shaking and it could only mean she was having another fitting episode.

The next few seconds flashed before his eyes as doctors and nurses came rushing in to try and help Sarang, with the realisation of it all hitting him he couldn't help but cry and then start to sob as his doctor who had also rushed into the room was trying to get him to leave the room while they help his daughter.

"No... No no! Please don't make me leave... Please don't.", he sobbed pleading almost begging with his doctor but it was no use.

"I'm sorry, Do Hwan but you need to step out of the room while we try and help Sarang."

Outside the room, he stood in front of the window watching as the doctors and nurses battled to help her. Resting his forehead against the glass of the window a stray tear fell down his face as he hoped and prayed his daughter would be alright, but now only time would tell.

"Please... Please be alright my girl..."

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