Day Two

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As the fire gradually began to wane, Do Hwan knew it was time to wind down for the night

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As the fire gradually began to wane, Do Hwan knew it was time to wind down for the night. He stood up and extended his hand to Sarang, who looked at him with a mixture of curiosity and trust. "How about we get ready for bed, Sarang?" he suggested gently, his voice a soothing melody.

With Sarang's hand nestled in his, Do Hwan guided her away from the fire's fading glow and toward their cozy tent. The night air was crisp and filled with the gentle sounds of nature – a symphony of crickets and rustling leaves.

Inside the tent, illuminated by the soft light of a lantern, Do Hwan knelt beside a small sleeping bag. He helped Sarang out of her day clothes, his fingers moving with patience and care as he exchanged her outfit for a pair of comfortable pajamas. Sarang's developmental delays made dressing herself a challenge, but Do Hwan's gentle guidance and unwavering love eased her struggles.

"There we go, all snug and cozy," he whispered as he zipped up her pajamas. Sarang's eyes sparkled with gratitude, a silent connection passing between father and daughter.

Do Hwan helped Sarang settle into her sleeping bag, her bunny teddy tucked securely beside her. He adjusted the bag around her, making sure she was enveloped in warmth and comfort. Sarang's gaze never left her father's face, her trust in him unwavering.

"Now, my little star, it's time for your favorite part," Do Hwan said, his voice a gentle caress. He picked up a well-worn book from the corner of the tent and settled himself beside Sarang.

With Sarang leaning against him, he opened the book and began to read, his words carrying the enchanting tale that had become so familiar to them both. Sarang's eyes grew heavy as she listened to her father's soothing voice, the journey of the story intertwining with the journey of their hearts.

As the last words of the story faded into the quiet of the night, Do Hwan closed the book and placed it aside. He watched as Sarang's breathing grew slow and steady, her eyelids drooping with the weight of slumber.

Gently, he brushed a wisp of hair away from her forehead, his touch as tender as a whispered promise. "Sleep tight, Sarang. Tomorrow is a new day of adventure."

With a final, loving gaze at his daughter, Do Hwan extinguished the lantern, allowing the night to blanket them in its embrace.


The gentle rays of the morning sun began to creep into the tent, casting a warm golden glow over the interior. Do Hwan lay on his back, still lost in the embrace of slumber, the rhythmic sound of the waves crashing against the shore in the distance acting as a soothing lullaby. He stirred slightly as a small, delicate hand brushed against his cheek. His eyes fluttered open, and there, right beside him, was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen.

Sarang, his precious daughter, was looking up at him with a radiant smile that could light up even the darkest of days. Her almond-shaped eyes sparkled with a mix of excitement and affection, and her dimpled cheeks were rosy with a hint of morning chill. She was nestled in her sleeping bag, which she had somehow managed to wriggle out of, and had crawled a short distance toward her Appa.

As Do Hwan blinked away the last vestiges of sleep, his heart swelled with a wave of emotions. The pure love and innocent joy that emanated from Sarang were a balm to his soul, erasing any trace of weariness from his being. He propped himself up on his elbows, his gaze locked onto his daughter's.

"Well, good morning there, my darling," he greeted softly, his voice still thick with sleep. He reached out a hand to gently stroke Sarang's silky hair, marveling at the softness beneath his fingertips.

Sarang responded with a giggle, her fingers reaching up to grasp his hand. Her movements were a bit uncoordinated, and her speech might have been delayed, but her connection with her father was stronger than any words could convey. She shifted closer, her small body wriggling like an excited puppy.

"Do you know what time it is, Woo Sarang?" Do Hwan asked playfully, raising an eyebrow in mock seriousness. "It's way too early for any respectable human to be awake." 

Sarang's response was a burst of laughter, a sound that was like a melody to Do Hwan's ears. He chuckled along with her, feeling a rush of pure happiness that he hadn't experienced in a long time.

With a determined effort, Sarang managed to sit up, her little hands clutching onto the fabric of her sleeping bag for balance. Her eyes gleamed with a newfound sense of purpose as she gazed at her father, her fingers forming simple signs she had been learning in her speech therapy.

"Appa," she signed, her fingers forming the Korean sign for "I love you."

Tears glistened in Do Hwan's eyes as he watched his daughter's efforts. Every small accomplishment, every tiny step forward, was a monumental victory in their journey together. He reached out and pulled Sarang into a warm embrace, holding her close to his heart.

"I love you too, Sarang," he whispered, his voice quivering with emotion. "More than words can say."

The sun continued its ascent in the sky, painting the tent with soft hues of orange and pink. As they sat there, father and daughter, wrapped in each other's arms, the worries of the world seemed to fade away. In this moment, surrounded by the beauty of nature and the boundless love they shared, everything felt perfect.

Now, as he helped her dress in her comfortable outdoor attire, he marveled at the strength she possessed within her tiny frame.

"Alright, Sarang-ah, let's get you all ready for our adventure today," he cooed, his voice a gentle melody that seemed to ease her excitement. With meticulous care, he fastened the buttons of her jacket and ensured her shoes were securely tied. Sarang giggled, her laughter like a sprinkle of magic in the air.

As they stepped out of the tent together, the beauty of the island greeted them anew and the distant mountains stood tall and proud. Do Hwan settled Sarang into a small camping chair, her radiant smile beaming as she took in the surroundings.

"Alright, my sunshine, time for breakfast," Do Hwan announced, his tone cheerful as he reached for the bag containing Sarang's feed supplies. With practiced ease, he connected the nasogastric (NG) tube that provided her nourishment, ensuring she was comfortable and settled before tending to his own meal.

Sitting next to Sarang, their camping chairs side by side, Do Hwan began to prepare his breakfast. The crackling sound of the portable stove combined with the aromatic scent of brewing tea, creating a sensory symphony that blended harmoniously with the surroundings.

Sarang made a few bubbly, unintelligible sounds, her expressive face telling a story even without words.

Chuckling, Do Hwan said, "You have a lot to say this morning, don't you?"

Sarang's response was a delightful symphony of laughter and babbles, her hands waving animatedly as if trying to emphasize her words. Her joy was infectious, and Do Hwan found himself grinning from ear to ear. It was in these small, ordinary moments that he found the purest form of happiness.

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