At The Hotel

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Closing the door he made his way around the car to the driver's side getting in he made one last mental note going over everything he had packed making sure he had not forgotten anything he may need during the short stay in the hotel

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Closing the door he made his way around the car to the driver's side getting in he made one last mental note going over everything he had packed making sure he had not forgotten anything he may need during the short stay in the hotel. Thinking of nothing else he turned the key over switching on the engine, adjusting the rearview mirror he couldn't help but smile when he caught the sight of Sarang in her own little world and he loved that for a newborn she was very curious about the world around her.

Giving one last look at the house a sigh passed Do Hwan's lips, Who knew what would happen next but he knew he would have to wait to and out, he only hoped that the house wasn't as severely damaged as to what he had seen initially.

Reversing out of the driveway and onto the road it wasn't long before he was driving through water and it only made him feel nervous and uneasy as he took a moment to look back at his daughter who was now fast asleep. The hotel where he was staying was one he had found just outside of Seoul, though it wouldn't be a particularly long journey it seemed it would take an age to get to the hotel, due to the water on the roads there was some amount of traffic for those who were driving slowly through it and who were also finding elsewhere to stay and couldn't stay at home.

What should have been a short journey soon turned into hours Do Hwan knew now he didn't have far to go but Sarang had since woken up and was starting to become unsettled and agitated but he was still driving and couldn't yet take her out of her car seat so all he could do for now was talk to her and hope that the sound of his voice would be enough to help settle her.

"Shh, I know darling it's alright we'll be there soon." He spoke calmly in the hope it would help settle her a little until they got to the hotel.


After what seemed like a lifetime he pulled into an empty space in the hotel car park before turning the key and turning off the engine as a tired sigh left his mouth. Looking back at Sarang he could see how she was starting to become fussy and was clearly wanting out of her baby seat.

In one swift movement, he had gotten out of the car and round to the other side before opening the back door, collecting the bag he had packed and the baby seat with Sarang still in it to be able to carry her in and up to the room. With a press of a button on the key, the car was locked and Do Hwan turned on his heel and make his way inside taking a few steps towards the front desk and checking in, and while taking the lift to the fifth floor it was clear she was unsettled.

"I know, I know sweet pea. I'm sorry it won't be long now it's alright.", he told her in a soft tone as the elevator stopped at the fifth floor.

Finding his key card for the room he opened the door and before anything he wanted to check on Sarang and comfort her and get her settled once again. Setting her down on the bed he unbuckled her from the baby seat and watched as she moved stretching her tiny limbs while she made a few grumbling sounds and soon began to whimper.

"Shh, It's okay, It's okay sweetheart", he whispered softly gently stroking her head with his thumb. Supporting her head and body Do Hwan lifted his little girl towards his chest hoping that being in the comfort of his arms would be a significant help to her as he began leaving gentle kisses on her head.

"Oh, It's okay my darling it's okay. It's been a long day I know."

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