Going Back Home

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The early morning air in Bangkok was still, save for the distant hum of traffic as Do Hwan carefully navigated the dimly house they had been staying in

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The early morning air in Bangkok was still, save for the distant hum of traffic as Do Hwan carefully navigated the dimly house they had been staying in. With practiced ease, he moved quietly.

As he gently shook her awake, Sarang stirred, her sleepy protests filling the room. "Hey there, Sarang-ah time to wake up baby," he murmured softly, his heart swelling with affection as he coaxed her into wakefulness. Despite her groggy state, Sarang's eyes lit up at the sight of her father, a radiant smile spreading across her face.

With tender care, Do Hwan dressed Sarang in her favorite pink sweater and jeans, his movements slow and deliberate as he attended to her needs. Though she struggled with coordination and walking, he never rushed her, always offering a patient hand to guide her along the way.

Once she was dressed and ready, Do Hwan lifted Sarang into his arms, her weight familiar and comforting against his chest. With one hand supporting her, he gathered their bags with the other, his gaze lingering on his daughter's peaceful face. "We're going home, Sarang-ah," he whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead.

As they made their way to the waiting taxi outside, Sarang nestled against her father, her small hand reaching out to grasp his shirt. Do Hwan settled into the seat, cradling Sarang in his lap as the taxi pulled away from the curb.

In the dim light of the early morning, Sarang stirred, her sleepy eyes blinking open. Sensing her restlessness, Do Hwan whispered soothing words, his voice a calming presence in the quiet cab. "It's okay, Sarang-ah," he murmured, his hand moving in gentle circles against her back.

With her head tucked under his chin, Sarang soon drifted back to sleep, her breathing steady and even against his chest. As they made their way to the airport, Do Hwan held his daughter close, the bond between them unbreakable.

In the stillness of the taxi, surrounded by the soft hum of the city awakening, Do Hwan knew that no matter where life took them, he would always be there for Sarang, guiding her with love and devotion every step of the way.


They had an early flight back to Korea, and he hoped that Sarang would be able to sleep through most of it. Traveling with a toddler was never easy, especially one as spirited as Sarang, but he was determined to make the trip as smooth as possible for her.

Finally, they arrived at the airport, and Do Hwan carefully carried Sarang inside, his heart swelling with pride as he watched her take in the sights and sounds around her. She may have been small, but she was filled with an insatiable curiosity and a zest for life that never failed to inspire him.

After checking in their luggage, they made their way to the departure gate, Do Hwan keeping a careful eye on Sarang as they navigated the bustling terminal.

Two hours later, as they settled into their seats on the plane, Do Hwan felt a sense of relief wash over him. The hard part was over, and soon they would be on their way back to familiar surroundings and the comforts of home.

But as the plane taxied down the runway and lifted off into the sky, Do Hwan couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled over him. Sarang, who had been sleeping soundly in his arms, had suddenly become restless, her tiny body squirming against him as she let out small whimpers of discomfort.

"Sarang, are you okay can you tell Appa?" Do Hwan asked, his voice filled with concern as he gently rocked her back and forth. But Sarang, unable to articulate her feelings with words, could only cling to her father.

Do Hwan's heart clenched at the sight of his daughter's distress. He knew how prone she was to sickness, her fragile immune system making her vulnerable to even the slightest illness. And as he watched her struggle, he couldn't help but worry that she might be coming down with something.

Some short time later and Do Hwan couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of his stomach. Sarang, usually so full of energy and excitement, seemed unusually subdued, her brow furrowed in concentration as she stared out the window.

She whimpered softly, her brow furrowed in discomfort as she squirmed in her seat.

Undoing their seat belts, he gently lifted Sarang into his arms, cradling her close as he made his way to the airplane restroom.

Once inside, Do Hwan locked the door behind them, he helped Sarang to pull down her trousers and sit on the toilet. Sarang whimpered softly, tears streaming down her cheeks as she struggled to go.

Her speech was limited, and expressing pain or discomfort was a challenge. But Do Hwan knew his daughter well, and he could read her expressions like an open book.

With every passing minute, Sarang's distress was evident. Her tiny face contorted in pain as she strained to relieve herself. Do Hwan stayed by her side, offering words of comfort and gentle reassurance.

He crouched down in front of her, his heart breaking at the sight of her tears.

"It's okay, Sarang. Appa's here. Just try to relax," he murmured, his voice a soothing whisper as he wiped away her tears.

With tender patience, Do Hwan remained by Sarang's side, offering words of encouragement as she struggled with her bowel movement.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Sarang let out a small whimper of relief, her body sagging against her father's chest as she finally managed to pass her stool. Do Hwan breathed a sigh of relief, his heart swelling with love and gratitude for his daughter.

Gently, he cleaned her up, his hands gentle and tender as he wiped away the evidence of her discomfort. Sarang clung to him tightly, her tears gradually subsiding as she nestled against his chest.

"There we go, darling, all done," he whispered, pulling up her trousers and making sure she was comfortable. He helped her wash her hands before lifting her back into his arms and carrying her back to their seat.

As they settled back into their seats, Sarang nestled against him, her head resting on his shoulder once again.

Sarang nodded, her tears drying as she snuggled against Do Hwan's chest. "Love A - Appa," she whispered, her voice filled with exhaustion.

"I love you too, Sarang-ah," Do Hwan replied, his heart overflowing with emotion as he held her close. "More than anything in this world."

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