A Face From The Shadows And Past

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Author's note - I have put a plot twist in that nobody expected so buckle up people your in for a ride

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Author's note - I have put a plot twist in that nobody expected so buckle up people your in for a ride.


Time passed in comfortable silence as they watched TV, the sounds of Sarang's soft breathing drifting from the bedroom. But as the afternoon wore on, Do Hwan's stomach twisted with unease when he realised he had run out of formula for Sarang's next feed.

"Hey, Sang-yi, could you keep an eye on Sarang for a bit? I need to run to the store to grab some formula," Do Hwan said, his voice tinged with worry.

Sang-yi nodded, patting his friend on the back reassuringly. "Of course, go ahead. We'll be fine here."

With a grateful smile, Do Hwan hurried out of the apartment and down the street to the convenience store. But as he walked, a voice from his past called out to him, sending a chill down his spine.

"Woo Do Hwan, fancy meeting you here," the voice said, dripping with malice.

Do Hwan froze, his heart pounding in his chest. He turned slowly, only to come face to face with a figure he had hoped never to see again. Kim Haneul, the man who had attacked him over two years ago, leading to Sarang's conception, stood before him.

Memories of that fateful night flooded Do Hwan's mind, sending shivers down his spine. But he knew he couldn't let fear paralyze him, not again. With a steely resolve, he squared his shoulders, ready to confront his past.

—the fear, the pain, the anger. It was a night he would never forget, a night that had changed his life forever though he would not regret ever having Sarang, she is his light and world and nothing would change that.

"What do you want?" Do Hwan demanded, his fists clenched at his sides.

Haneul smirked, stepping closer until he was inches away from Do Hwan's face. "I want what's mine."

With a steely resolve, Do Hwan squared his shoulders, drawing upon the strength he had gained from his boxing training and the resilience he had honed through his roles as a tough character like Kim Gun-woo in "Bloodhounds."

"I'm not running anymore, Haneul. This ends now," Do Hwan declared, his voice firm with determination.

Kim Haneul lunged forward, his movements swift and calculated. Do Hwan dodged and weaved, his instincts taking over as he fought to defend himself. But despite his efforts, Kim Haneul gained the upper hand, his blows landing with precision.

But Haneul lunged forward, his hand gripping a syringe filled with an unknown substance. With a quick jab, he injected Do Hwan in the neck, sending a wave of dizziness washing over him.

As the world spun out of control, Do Hwan fought to stay conscious, his vision blurring as darkness closed in around him. But despite his best efforts, he couldn't fight off the effects of the drug, his body going limp as he crumpled to the ground.

Do Hwan couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the beginning of a nightmare he couldn't escape. As darkness closed in around him, Do Hwan's last thoughts were of Sarang, trusting that she would be safe with Sang-yi.

But as he slipped into unconsciousness, one question lingered in his mind: Where was he being taken?


Back at the apartment, Sang-yi glanced at the clock, his worry mounting as the minutes turned into hours. He tried calling Do Hwan, but his phone went straight to voicemail.

Though it wasn't long before he heard her call out from her room knowing she had woken up from her nap, her voice soft and plaintive. "Appa... A - Appa."

Sang-yi's heart clenched at the sound, his own worry mirroring Sarang's longing for her father. He made his way to her room, his footsteps heavy with apprehension.

"It's okay, Sarang," he murmured, picking her up and holding her close. "Your Appa will be back soon. He just went out to get some formula for you."

But despite his words of reassurance, a gnawing sense of dread settled in Sang-yi's stomach. He knew Do Hwan wouldn't have left Sarang alone for this long without good reason. If he didn't return soon, Sang-yi would have to take action.

When several minutes turned into half an hour, Sang-yi's concern reached a fever pitch. He continued to dial Do Hwan's number, only to be met with silence as it went straight to voicemail.

"Sarang, sweetheart, it's okay," Sang-yi murmured, holding her close as he tried to soothe her cries.

"Appa will be back soon, I promise," Sang-yi whispered, his voice trembling with fear, he made a silent promise to her and to himself. He would do whatever it took to bring her father back home, safe and sound.

As he rocked Sarang gently in his arms, Sang-yi prayed with all his heart that his best friend would come home safely, their lives forever changed by the events of that fateful day.

But despite his comforting words, Sang-yi couldn't shake the sinking feeling in his gut. If Do Hwan didn't return home soon, he knew he would have no choice but to call the police and report him missing.

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