Welcome To The World

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Continuing to push as each contraction came Do Hwan became more and more exhausted with each push, but was soon encouraged to learn from the midwife she could see the head.

After hours of pushing he was very much ready to meet his daughter, his body was tired but he knew that he couldn't give up. With the support and words of encouragement from the midwife, he made small bouts of progress with each push as a contraction came along.

"Easy does it, that's it your almost there", she spoke softly.

Before long, he began to feel intense pain and couldn't help but cry out, "Owww... owwww that really hurts."

"It's alright that pain is normal, baby's head is crowning now so I need you to give me slow gentle pushes okay?"


Catching his breath and taking a moment to gather his strength, Do Hwan waited for the contraction to come and it wasn't long before it did. With each little push, it was one step closer for him to meet his daughter and it would be a matter of minutes, and with the midwife soon announcing that the head was out giving him encouragement, with another few pushes he knew it would soon be over.

"Alright Do Hwan, if you can give me one last big push you will be able to meet your baby."

Preparing himself he placed his hands between his legs he took a deep breath and gathering the last of his strength, and with one final contraction bearing down as much as he could he gave one last push until he soon felt relief, catching his baby as she fell from his body Do Hwan saw his daughter for the for the first time as he turned around to sit down immediately placing Sarang on his chest.

Do Hwan couldn't quite believe it he had done it, his little girl was actually here.

For him, he was met with an overwhelming sensation of pure love, affection and adoration for his baby girl, the wait for her was finally over and she was here, here with him in his life and once she took her first breath and began to cry it came as the most beautiful sound in the world and Do Hwan cried tears of joy and happiness.

"Hi... Oh hi bunny.", he spoke softly, gently kissing Sarang on her head.

Getting a closer look at his beautiful baby girl, and she was every bit beautiful just like her name suggested, gently rubbing his thumb over her delicate head a broad smile appeared on his face as he wiped away the stray tears with his free hand.

With the cord cut all was calm until a few minutes later, Do Hwan began to feel a dull pain enough to make it uncomfortable but was quickly reassured by the midwife.

"It's okay don't worry that's just the afterbirth coming I just need you to give me one last push."

Once the afterbirth had come he couldn't take his eyes off of his baby girl, he could see she all the features that made downs syndrome from her face and features to her hands and feet and everything that was associated with downs syndrome when he was first given the diagnosis and was shown on the screen during the scan, but to Do Hwan, though he knew that Sarang would be a special needs child it didn't and wouldn't make him love her any less he loved her with all his heart and that would never change because she was his.

"Are you going to wake up hmm? Are you going to wake up... no?", he spoke softly to Sarang waiting to see if she would open her eyes but only ended up giving a soft chuckle as she gave him a tiny smile, "You're so cute, my sweet girl."

For Do Hwan, today was special.

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