Untitled Part 2

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The first time he had spotted the kid was a couple of days after their confrontation with the Umbrella Academy. He was walking through the streets without a destination in his mind when he spotted the kid from the Umbrella Academy. But the kid didn't notice him because he was too busy with the book that he was reading and drinking coffee and walking at the same time.

Ben had become curious when he saw the boy. Yes, the others weren't that interesting because apparently, they were like them. But the kid. He has powers too and yet he was much younger than everyone else. How did he get them if he wasn't born at the same time?  He doesn't know. But he knew that his father is very interested in the boy's powers. Teleportation and time travel. Well, who wouldn't? Especially since you can go wherever and whenever you want. He would kill to have that power instead of the tentacles from him.

But that was the problem from another day. Right now he has the chance to learn where the others are hiding after they escaped from them. He profited from the fact that the kid wasn't paying attention and he started to follow him close behind hoping that he would take them to the others.

Unfortunately, he wasn't the only one with the plan of following a kid around. When they passed a park he saw a man standing from a bench and walking on the kid's left side, a little farther to not look suspicious. But Ben could tell that the man was suspicious indeed. The look in his eye wasn't an innocent one. Ben could tell that he was the type of man that likes to prey on children.

He shouldn't care. One because the kid and his family were enemies. And two. The kid could kick his ass in one second. He wasn't a threat. And yet when the man continued to follow Ben started to feel uncomfortable. He cursed as he closed his eyes and he turned around and positioned behind the man. Then he walked past him, knocking on him "by mistake" and making him fall.

The man cursed and Ben looked at him with a smile. "Sorry", he said even though he wasn't and the man could tell that his intention was discovered. So he cursed again and stood up and walked in a different direction. When Ben turned his attention to where the kid was he saw that he disappeared which mean that he most likely teleported because the street wasn't that crowded for him to get lost in the people.

Ben cursed, stuck his hands in his pocket, and started to make his way back towards the Academy.


The second time it happened was when he had started to befriend the Umbrella Academy. Well sort of. He was getting on well with Klaus. Even though the man could be weird most of the time, he was a good person and he started to enjoy his company. He's also getting on pretty well with the kid. Which name was Five? He didn't ask why he didn't have a normal name like the others and his name was still the number.

Anyway. He agreed to go with Five to the library to see if he can find more information about Kuble-whatever. Even if he doubts that they would find something. He agreed to go with him because apparently, no one wanted to go with the kid. Viktor was worried about a person called Harlan. Klaus was keeping him company. Diego preferred to be with that woman Lila. Luther was with Sloane and Allison. Well, he didn't know where she was but she was giving him strange vibes. Like she can't be trusted. What a great family they are. Notice his sarcasm.

"Wait. I will go with you", Ben had said as he followed Five. And the kid looked at him with such eyes that showed happiness and gratitude that he couldn't help but feel warm and feel sorry for the kid. It was clear that he was unwanted most of the time by his family.


"Sure kid", he said with a smile.

"Don't call me a kid. I'm not a kid", he said and his face darkened but Ben only chuckled and he followed him.

The umbrella academy: In which Five gets all the love he deservesWhere stories live. Discover now