Chapter 20

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Diego knew that something was wrong with Five. I mean there's always something wrong with him. But this was different. This situation made his big brother's instinct tingle.

So when Five left from Elliot's house saying that he may have a lead to bring them all home, Diego didn't couldn't ignore that feeling. So he followed him.
Now. He's not his brother. He doesn't have all his assassin stealth. But he's a vigilante. And he knows how to sneak out behind a person.

He followed Five into a rundown building and he hide behind a wall as he saw his brother stopping. "Show yourself. I know that you are here? I can smell your disgusting stink" For a second Diego thought that he was speaking with him. And before he could walk out from behind the wall he heard a woman laugh. An unknown woman dressed in a black dress with red high heels shoes and a fishnet veil on her face appeared in front of Five. Who was that woman?

"Now. That's not how you talk with a lady" the woman purred and she moved way closer to Five than comfortable.
He could see from there how uncomfortable his brother was with the close proximity.

"I don't have time for this nonsense. Do you have the briefcase?" he asked annoyed.

The woman chuckled and she stroked Five's face. Diego was so tempted to get out of his hiding and cut her fingers off.
"That depends. Are you willing to do anything for it?"

"As long as it would take my siblings back home. Then yes"
So that was his solution of going back home. A literal deal with the devil?

"Are you now. Really?" She asked with a chuckle and moved closer to the boy whispering something in his ear. Diego didn't know what she said. But it was definitely not something good as it made his brother tense all over.

"Yes", Five said through gritted teeth and the creepy woman laughed as she ran her finger through his hair.

"What an obedient little boy are you. Ready to please your masters", she said as he bopped his nose. And normally this gesture would be a cute one. But not when done by a predatory woman like her.

"Alright then. Let's go?" she said as she wrapped an arm around Five shoulders and pulled him closer to her. An uncomfortable closer
And yeah. No. Diego is not going to let his brother go with that creepy woman God knows where.

Five tensed when she pulled him closer to her. And God does it hate it when that she had become so handsy with him now that he's a teenager.

They were about to leave when out of nowhere a knife flew and embedded in the Handler's neck. The Handler gasped as she brought her hand to the wound before she fell to the ground choking on her blood. And normally he would have been relieved. But she was his only hope of going back home.

"No no no," he said as he kneeled beside her and watched as her eyes become lifeless. Hearing footsteps he looked up to see Diego. Five gritted his teeth and he blinked in front of him pushing his brother into a wall. "What are you doing here? No. I don't care. Do you know what have you done you, idiot? Do you? Well, I told you what you did. You ruined our only chance of going back home. I hope that you are happy"

Five didn't let Diego say anything as he blinked from the rundown place, back to Eliot's house, scaring the said man. But he didn't care. He knocked a chair over as he walked into the guest room.


Diego sighed as he rubbed his eyes. Going over to the woman he pulled out the knife from her neck. He looked disgusting at her. She had a way easy dead. He should have made her suffer.
He walked out of the place and he started to make his way back to Eliot's house, hoping that his brother was there too and not in a bar. Seriously. What kind of people sell alcohol to an underage kid.

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