Untitled Part 75

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Five watched heartbroken as one by one his siblings walked away from him. All left to live their life or search for their loved ones. Leaving him alone. As much as Five hates it to admit, despite his mind being 58 of age,  his body is 13 of age. Did his siblings didn't think of that when they decided to leave? They really think that a 13-year-old kid would manage to live by himself in a foreign world. Well, he could have. If he still had his powers. But he doesn't thanks to his bastard of a father and selfish sister.

Five stayed in that place for a few more minutes. Maybe one of them would decide to come back and he won't be truly alone. But none of them did. Five. It's not like he needs them. He lived in a post-apocalyptic world by himself for 45 years. He can live here alone too. Plus he always worked better when he was alone. His siblings only dragged him down because they are useless.

So with a heavy heart and urging himself to stop thinking about his family Five stuck his hands in his pockets and he walked away from the place where Hotel Obsidian used to be. He walked through the dark streets without any direction in his mind. He really doesn't even know where to go. Maybe he would find an abandoned building and seek shelter there for the night. And he would see what to do next in the morning.

He was definitely tired. There was no other explanation. He was definitely tired and that's why he didn't hear a person walking after him all this time. The person gained a little speed and Five jumped when an arm wrapped around his neck. "Hell there. No time no see", a man purred in his ear, and Five cringed.

"Who are you?"Five asked and he struggled to get free. But the person tightened his hold on him. Fuck. He wishes that he had his powers again. 

"Aww. You don't remember me. It's alright. We will spend enough time together and you would remember me"

Five gritted his teeth. Yeah. There's no way he would go to him without putting up a fight. He stomped his foot on the man one, hard, and elbowed him in the stomach. The man cursed and his hold loosened enough to get free. 

"You bitch", the man snarled and he backhanded him across his face. He would blame the exhaustion for going down so easily. "You think that you are tough. Let's see how tough you would be after this"The man hovered over Five holding a syringe with a blue liquid. The man pried Five hands with one of his and sabbed the needle with the other hand in the kid's neck. Five eyes widened and he could feel himself panicking as he felt the serum taking effect. It was a paralytic one. He used it many times on his targets when he worked for the Commission as an assassin and it had been used on him too. You can't move but you can definitely feel the pain. So this man worked for the Commission? But it's impossible. The Commission had been destroyed by the Kugelblitz. Was it restored as well because of the Reset? If yes then he was so screwed. Also, this person seems to know him, but he doesn't have any idea who the hell he was.


Ben returned back to the spot from where all of them left. Why? Because he realized that he made a mistake. He had left a 13-year-old kid all alone. Isn't that funny? He barely knows the kid. He doesn't know if they are even friends. Yes. They helped each other a couple of times. But they didn't exactly sad down at stories either. So yeah. He doesn't know that kid well enough but he was the one who realized that they all made a mistake leaving him alone. When he got back there he saw that there was no one anymore. Did the kid left? Or did one of his siblings realize their mistake too and come after him? He hopes that this is the reason.

But no matter how much he tried to convince himself that this was the reason, he could still feel like something is wrong. He hopes that he's wrong. Should he go after the kid? He doesn't even know where he goes. The city is big. Ben closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm down and focus. He picked a direction that he hopes that the kid took and continued based on the sensation he could feel. When he took another direction, something was telling him that it was wrong. So he turned back and continued forwards. Until he spotted someone. It was night and dark but he could see a man hoisting up a kid. And the kid was dressed in a suit. Holly shit. The man was speaking but he didn't pay attention. He doesn't have his powers anymore, so he can't base himself on his tentacle. So he sneaked behind the man and when close enough he kicked him behind his knees. He apologized mentally to Five as the man dropped him when he fell on the ground. He walked to the man and he hit his head on the ground, knocking him out, or maybe killing him too. 

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