Untitled Part 30

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All this shit happened only because Diego was running late at work, because of his night activities and Allison had been too busy to attend her court orders therapy. 

Diego was prepared to leave for his work at the gym when his phone started ringing. When he pulled it out he cursed when he saw that his boss had called him. He needs to find a believable excuse. Because the whole vigilante thing would not work. When he saw Five passing by, without bothering to notice him, Diego had come up with an idea. One that he hopes won't come to bite him in the ass later.

"Diego. Where the hell are you?" he heard his boss's voice when he answered the call.

Diego took a deep breath and he made his voice sound worried and shaky. "I'm sorry. I know that I've been late these days. But just a few days my brother had been attacked by some thugs and hurt pretty bad?"

"Attacked? How old is your brother?"

"13", he said and he smirked when he heard the man curse. "My other siblings all are busy and I'm the only one available to take care of him"

"Alright. It's alright. I understand. You know what. You can miss out on a few days until your brother feels better. And I will still pay you"

"No. It's al..."

"Diego. I told you that you can stay home. Now listen to me and take care of that brother of yours", he said annoyed.

"Thank you very much", he said gratefully and after he ended the call he laughed happy that not only he was not in trouble but he could stay home and do nothing for a few days. What Diego didn't know was that Allison heard his all conversation.


Allison heard her brother's conversation and he was about to go and scold him for lying like this. Nothing good comes out from lying. But that's when her phone started ringing and looking at it she saw that it was her therapist. "Shit", she said. She had missed some of the sessions because of the whole end of the world thing and then she had been trapped in the '60. But she can't say that. She would look crazy and then she won't be permitted to see her daughter anymore.

She walked out of the house because she wanted to have privacy and she walked through the streets when she answered her phone. "Good afternoon", she said politely

"Miss Hargreeves. I see that you have missed our court-issued therapy". Her therapist's voice showed that she was very displeased.

"I know ma'am. And I  apologize"

"I hope that you would have a good excuse for that"

"I.." Before she could come out with an excuse that won't make her sound crazy, Allison remembered Diego's conversation with his boss. "Something happened. My brother had been attacked a few days ago"

"Your brother had been attacked?"

"Yes. He has the tendency to go out at night and he had been attacked by some drunkard people"

"How old is your brother?"

"13 years old"

"Jesus", she could hear the shock in her voice. And because she wasn't paying attention to other people, she didn't notice some of them following her to listen to her conversation as they recognized her as a famous actress. 

"I know. And my other brothers are too busy and there's no one to take care of him but me", she said and made her voice waver.

"Alright. I understand. I will talk with the court to postpone some of the sessions until your brother is feeling better"

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