Untitled Part 38

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"Tell me again. Why are we here?"Ben asked as he followed Klaus into a pet shop. Klaus made sure that no one was close to him or paying attention to him, so he can speak with Ben. In the past, he didn't care if people threw him weird looks when he was talking with Ben (for the others it looked like he was talking alone). But back then he was high most of the time. But now he's a changed person.

"Because I want to get a pet for Five"

"Why? Do  you even think that the kid would take care of the pet?"

"Wow, Ben. Rude. Five may be a little psycho but he would not neglect a pet. Plus I don't want him to feel alone all the time"

Of course, he has them, his siblings. But they are all most of the time out from the house. Or Five prefers to lock himself in his room, where's alone. So a pet companion is the best solution to make him less lonely.

Klaus looked at the bunnies, hamsters, and birds, who were all so adorable. He was tempted to buy him a bunny. Or a parrot. "Hey, Ben. If I buy Five a parrot do you think that he would teach him to curse or make him say, 'Stop treating me like a kid. I'm 58 years old"

Ben snorted. "Maybe both"

Yeah. He would not be surprised if Five would do that. "What if I buy him a snake?" he asked as he looked at the small and little snakes.

"Do you really want Five to have a poisonous or constrictor snake?"

"Fair. He would use them as a threat for us" Klaus said. Though he was pretty sure that the venous snake had their venom out and the pitons won't actually kill them if they are fed. Well, he hopes so.

"Why you don't take him a fish?"

"Huh? A fish?"

"Yes", Ben said as he pointed to the aquarium. "Fishes are easy to take care of. He only needs to remember to feed them and clean their aquarium.

"Oh. That sounds like a good idea. You are a genius Bennie Boy"


" You bought Five a fish?"Diego asked as he, Luther, and Allison looked at the small orange fish that was swimming in his tank.

"Yep. It was Ben's idea. I wanted to buy him a pet and Ben suggested the fish"

"Why a fish though?"Luther asked.

"Ben said that they are easier to take care of. By the way. Where's Fivey?"

"Viktor had taken him for a walk because he stay too much in that room of his and it's not healthy," Allison said.

Well, that was alright. He would have to wait for Five to come back with Viktor and then he would present him with his pet. At least at this, he won't shoot that he's not a kid. Because anyone can have a fish.

Five had returned from his walk with Viktor one hour later. Klaus bounced from the chair and he skipped towards his brother when he heard him. Five gave him a weird look but Viktor smiled amused at him. "Why are you so excited for Klaus?"Viktor asked.

"Because I have a present for Five and I can't wait to show it to him"

"A present for me?"Five asked confused. "I hope that it's not a stupid thing or you would die"

"Don't worry little brother", Klaus patted his head and Five shoved his hand away. "It defeinetly nothing stupid"

Klaus led Five and Viktor to the kitchen. "Ta-da", he said as he pointed to the table where the fish bowl with the small fish was. Viktor cooed as he rushed to the small fish to admire him but Five was frozen in place.


Five stayed frozen in place as he watched the fish swim, innocently in his bowl. That fish was remembering him about AJ. The fish was looking like an innocent fish. But he can't let himself be filled. What if he's like AJ?  What if he's AJ? Maybe he had come back to haunt him. The boy turned around and he ran away from the kitchen, knocking a chair in the process. Once he was in his room he started pacing around. 

He was gripping his hair as he was thinking about the possibility that the fish was an evil mastermind that could end him and his family. Oh no. His family. They are in danger again. Five flinched violently when the door to his room opened, he was expecting to see a human body with a fishbowl head with a talking fish inside. But instead, he was only met with Klaus's concerned expression.

"Fivey. Buddy. You alright?" he asked as he walked inside and he closed the door after him.

"Klaus", Five said as he rushed to him and he grabbed him by the collar. "Tell me everything that you know about that fish"

"Ahh. Well, he's orange. I took him from the pet shop this morning. He's small"

"Did he talk with you or anything?"

Klaus frowned and he pried his brother's hands from his shirt and he hold them in his own. "Of course not. Fivey. It's just a small pet. Fishes don't talk. What's wrong?"

"Nothing... It's nothing", Five said as he tried to remove his hands from his brother's ones but Klaus tightened his hold on his small hands. 

"Five it's not nothing. You freaked out and you ran away here and then you asked me if the fish talked with me. Telle what's wrong Five. Please"

Five sighed and he looked down at his feet. "Back in '63s The Handler told me to kill the Commison board if I wanted for all of us to get back home"

"Oh, Fivey, "Klaus said as he released one of his hands to stroke the boy's hair. This time Five didn't shove his hand away.

"Of course I accepted. And I got there to do the job. Something that I hate so much. Klaus, you have to believe me that I didn't like killing people and I already said that I won't kill anymore"Five pleaded as he looked at his brother, hoping that he would believe him.

"Shush. It's alright. I believe you. Now continue"

"One of their names was AJ. I have no idea what he was. A human wasn't. He was a talking fish with a human body"

Klaus blinked a couple of times confused. "You have to repeat that again little buddy. I have the impression that you said that this guy AJ was a fish with a human body"

"It's true. He had a human body and his head was a fishbowl with a fish inside. A talking fish"

"Would it be rude to laugh?" he asked and Five sent him a little glare. "Later"

"AJ was a cruel person. Fish. Thing."

"What happened with him"

"I gave him to The Hnalded and she ate him"

"Ew... So the little fish from the kitchen..."

"What if he's like AJ?"

"Wah. No Fivey. He's not. He's just a simple fish that I bought it for you, per Ben's request, to not feel lonely anymore"

"Why a fish?"

"Ben said that they are easier to take care of. Look. If you don't like it, I can always return him back to the pet shop"

"No... I will keep him"Five said a little hesitant. 

"You don't need to force yourself Fivey. Are you 100% sure"

Five nodded and Klaus hugged his little brother, who didn't push him away. It took some time for Five to get used to the fish's presence and not imagine becoming just like AJ. Klaus had helped him take care of him every time he saw him getting uncomfortable with the little fish. When his other siblings questioned him about his behavior he told them what he had told Klaus too. They all assured him that the fish was just an innocent pet. But if by some weird situation his pet would become like AJ then they would be all ready to confront him. 

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