Untitled Part 56

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Lila had told her to get attached to something or someone else during this whole time traveling thing. She said that because she saw how unhappy she was. She had lost her daughter when she arrived in the 60s for the first time. The first moths had been hell. Because she couldn't see her daughter anymore plus the whole black people are hated in Dallas in the '60s. But then he met Raymond and they fell in love with each other and, married. And for the first time since she arrived in the 60s, she was truly happy again. Of course, there had been days when she was thinking of her daughter. But her husband had been always there for her.

Then 3 years later Five appeared out of nowhere and said that the end of the world was coming again. She had blamed her brother, in her mind. Because for a while she thought that he was at fault. Wherever he was going the end of the world was coming after him. And then the whole Commison happened, her brother had been kidnaped and was the reason that the end was coming again. They had found a way to get back into their timeline. She would miss her husband and she wished that he would have come with them. But they both knew that his place was there. At least once back, she would be able to see her daughter again.

They returned back in 2019. But it wasn't their 2019. Apparently, after they met their father, he saw how useless and incapable are that he had unadopted them all. Well, all but Ben. He had never met Ben in the past. And he was adopted again. And he wasn't dead. But he was an dickhead. All of them were dickheads. And apparently unlike them, they didn't turn against their father, didn't left, and remained a superhero team ever since they were children. They weren't in their timeline. Allison knew that. But she still tried to contact Patrick to see if he remembers her and if their daughter is with him. But he doesn't know. And Claire doesn't exist either. From there she spiraled and become depressed once more. She knew that she was becoming colder and snappy. She knew it. Her brothers knew it. And apparently, Lila saw it as well. That's why she had given her that piece of advice.

The next morning after her conversation with Lila, she spotted Five. It was still early and the boy apparently was still half asleep. He didn't had his coffee yet. And because of that, his stoic walls and masks were down. He looked like the kid he was. Soft, with his hair ruffled and clothes rumpled. And oh my god. He rubbed his eyes with his fist and he looked so adorable. He looked like a kid... Kid. Five was a kid. Maybe if she attaches to him, she would be less unhappy. Yes. She would do that. She can't believe that she would follow Lila's advice to all the people.


Five was getting weirded out by Allison. He knew that she had changed after they get back here. She misses her daughter. But there's nothing that he could have done. He couldn't mess with the timeline again, and risk for another Apocalypse to come. Shame that the end of the world is coming again, without him doing anything. Well, theoretically it's because of them too. It followed them from '63.  But that wasn't his problem at this moment. His problem was his sister's acting depended on him. It started innocent enough. 

"Five. Want me to make you something to eat?"Allison asked and Five looked annoyed at her because she was bothering him, from finding a solution on how to save the world, and invading his personal space at the same time.

"No. Leave. You are bothering me". And normally when he would tell this to someone, they would leave. Well except for Klaus. And now for Allison as well.

"But Five. You are too skinny. And I didn't see you eating these days."

"I'm not hungry Allison", he snapped at her.

"I heard a rumor that you are hungry," Allison said and she didn't regret it when she did it. Her brother's eyes whitened for a few seconds before they turned back to normal and he looked at her.

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