Untitled Part 98

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The time where they were sent was not their own. And not only that. But they were powerless as well. Everyone left to live their own life or do whatever the hell they want. Five doesn't care anymore. It surely they don't care about him, because they all left him alone. So why should he? They could be dead in a ditch for all he cares. Five sighed and he was about to leave as well with a heavy heart. But before he could do that he heard footsteps approaching. He looked confused as he saw Lila there. "Almost forgot my favorite tinny", she said as she grabbed his wrist and pulled him after her. For a few seconds, he was surprised by her action and he didn't make any move. But he snapped back to reality seconds later. 

"What are you doing?" he asked removing his wrist from his self-proclaimed best friend.

"You are coming with us. Of course" she answered looking at him with an expression that said 'are you stupid?'

"And why may I ask would I come with you?"

She wasn't the one who answered the question. But Diego who walked to them because he was tired of waiting for them. "Because you are a little kid, who in no way can live in an unknown world by himself"

Five clenched his fist and he glared at the two of them. "I'm not a little kid. I'm..."

"Yeah. Yeah. I know" Diego said rolling his eyes. "But your consciousness doesn't count when you look like one. Now come on" He said and Five was about to protest and say that he would not go anywhere with the two of them. And in no way he would live with that STD parents. He would rather stay in an orphanage or on the streets. But he didn't have any choice because the two of them grabbed him and pulled him after them. And no threat made them change their mind about taking him with them. He was stuck with them. Much to his horror


Even if Five was stuck with them, that doesn't mean that he did give up on trying to get away. He was trying to find his answers and get some answers from him, and hopefully get his powers back as well. He doesn't know about the others. But he feels empty without his powers. Like he was nothing without them. In the beginning, the three of them stayed in a hotel room with two beds. In one bed there was Lila and Diego sleeping and in the other he was him. Diego said that they would stay there until they would have enough money to get an apartment for starters. Five was lying in his bed, pretending to be asleep. He wanted until the other two occupants were asleep as well. Which didn't take too long. They fell asleep 10 minutes after him, tired from their jobs. Five stayed there a couple of more minutes, to be safe before he slowly got up from the bed and he tiptoed out from the room. He sighed relieved when he was out. But his relief was was sort lived because as soon as he was outside of the hotel he was stopped by a voice.

"Where do you think that you are going?"Five froze and he turned to see Diego there, with his arms crossed and a disappointed expression. He doesn't know how Diego was there. He was certain that he was asleep. But he either pretended like him or he had been a little noisy without knowing, resulting in waking up his brother.

"I can't sleep. I come out for fresh air"

"Well, that's good that I can't sleep either. It's dangerous to be outside alone" Five rolled his eyes. Normally he would have snapped at him that he was not a little kid and powers or no powers he was still more than capable of taking care of himself. But he was not in the mood tonight. "C.mon. Let's take a stroll around the building then come back. "Diego said as he wrapped an arm around Five shoulders. "I'm sure that after this we would be tired and be able to sleep"Five sighed and his shoulder dropped. He knew when he had lost, and that tonight he would not be able to escape. So he walked around the building with Diego before they returned back to their room. where Lila was still asleep. Five climbed back in his bed, and this time he fell asleep, for real, as soon as his head hit the pillow.

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