Untitled Part 45

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Request from 22vEden: Hii I have a request for your Five story, can you do like after season 3 the family had a meeting just to see how is everyone and when they saw that five didn't come they tried to contact him and he was in child service cuz they left him at the end of the season and like them trying to get him out and realize the mistake that they left him but like they did succeed and talked with him?


A few months after they arrived in the weird timeline, the Hargreeves minus Five, managed to get in contact with each other and they agreed to meet at a coffee shop.

"Not that I'm not happy to see you all guys. But has anyone seen or talked with Five these past months?"Klaus asked anxiously. He doesn't know about the others, but he had started to feel guilty after they all left that night, and left him alone. At that time he hadn't thought straight. But weeks later he had been struck. How a physically 13-year-old is going to live all alone in a completely new world? He had tried to contact him and search for him. But nothing. He wonders if he's still in the country. Even without powers, he would have found a way to leave.

To his disappointment, all his brothers shook their heads. "Maybe he's in prison or something", Diego said snorting and Klaus kicked him under the table.

"That's not funny"

"Yeah, man. Not even I found it funny", Ben said and Klaus beamed at him. Even though this was a different Ben, who tends to be an asshole, he had bonded with him in the Sparrow world and missed him, like he had missed everyone else.

"Maybe we can search for him," Viktor said as he fidgeted. Huh? Maybe he's not the only one that missed the kid. No matter how a little shit can be.

"I'm in", Klaus said without hesitance.

"Me too. "Ben said. "It's not like I have anything else to do. And the kid's the reason why I'm alive right now"

Klaus, Viktor, and Ben looked at Luther and Diego waiting to see if they would join them in searching for their little brother, whom they abandoned after everything that he had done for them.

"I'm sorry guys. But we don't know where Five is. He could be anywhere. And I need to return to Lila. I don't have the time to search for him everywhere"

"Same here," Luther said. "I need to focus on searching for Sloane. I don't have time for him as well"

"I can't believe you guys", Klaus said angrily. "After everything that Five had done for us, you will abandon him like this? For some women?"

"Watch it, Klaus," Diego said angrily. "And you can't blame us. You left that night too"

"Yeah. But at least I'm trying to fix that, by searching for the brother that risked everything for us"

"You can't understand us if you don't have someone special, "Luther told him before he turned his attention to Ben. "Ben, you must understand this. Sloane is your sister"

Klaus and Viktor immediately turned their attention to Ben. Is Ben going to give up on searching for Five as well, because he's not his brother? Maybe he would go with Luther this time to search for his sister. "You are right. Sloane is my sister. But there is a bigger chance to find Five than her. Plus even without powers. She can take care of herself. Five on the other hand. He's just a kid", he said which made Klaus and Viktor happy. They also made a mental note to tell Ben to stop calling Five a kid when they would find him if he values his life.


After Diego and Luther had taken their leave, leaving the other three pretty annoyed, that they would abandon their brother like this, they started to make a list about where Five could have been. They really hope to God that they won't find him dead in a ditch or sewers. No. They shouldn't think like this. Even without powers, Five's pretty smart. He would find a way to survive.

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