Untitled Part 93

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Five always liked when Viktor played his violin. Even since they were all kids. Back then Viktor was not part of them. So he didn't need to train for hours every day. So he had the time to do what he liked it. Even that was limited. Their father didn't let him to do whatever he wanted. But at least he felt him play the violin that their mother had brought. Sometimes when he could, after exhausting training, or after an argument with his father, Five used to drag his exhausted body to Viktor's room and pressed himself against the door to listen to his music. It always soothed him and called him down. Then one day, Viktor had spotted him leaning against his door, because it was half open. Five had been embarrassed for being caught and he was about to leave. But he had been stopped by his brother's soft voice who told him that he can stay if he wants to. He was clearly happy that someone was listening to his music. So Five dragged his body into his brother's room and sat down on the floor and listened to him playing. There were times when his music was lulling him to sleep and when he woke up he apologized to his brother for falling asleep in the middle of his performance. But his brother was not mad. He always smiled and told him that he doesn't mind. He continued to go to his brother's room anytime he needed to hear his soothing music or if he couldn't Viktor would come into his room to play for him. Until he had made the mistake to time travel and stuck himself in the Apocalypse.

There were times when he imagined his brother playing while he was in the Apocalypse. Or he was dreaming about it.  Wishing that the dream would not end. But it always ended and he was back in the desolate land. Then he was back in the past, back to his 13-year-old body, much to his annoyance, and his siblings were alive. Unfortunately, he has been too busy to stop the Apocalypse to ask for his brother to play for him. Or go and listen to him. And when he finally goes to listen to him again, it happened when he destroyed the moon. Because his father was wrong. His brother was not ordinary. Then he had thrown his siblings in the '60s to save them. Not even there he hadn't had the chance to listen to him as well. Because there was another Apocalypse coming and his brother had lost his memories though not for long. And when he did regain them he had to blame him for this mess. He can't ignore his other siblings when they call him names and blame him for things that he hadn't done. But hearing it from Viktor, the brother he had been the closest to, hurt a lot.


They were back in 2019 free of the Apocalypse and all his siblings had moved back into their old house, trying to be a family. Even if Five won't admit it, he was glad that his siblings moved back into their old house because he has them close to him again. Tonight was one of the nights where he couldn't sleep because his brain doesn't shut up. And if he managed to doze off a little he woke up gasping because of a nightmare. As Five walked through the dark hallways he heard familiar music coming from Viktor's room. Apparently, he was not the only one who couldn't sleep. His feet brought him unconsciously to his brother's room. It made him feel like a child again. Once there, like in his childhood, Five leaned against the door to listen to the music.

"I know that you are there"Five jumped as he heard Viktor's voice through the door. "Come in. Don't be shy", he heard him say amused. Five was tempered to turn around and walk away. But instead of that, he opened the door and he walked into the room. Viktor stopped playing and he lowered the violin. "I should have expected for you to show up anytime soon", he said with a small smile.

"Really?" he asked surprised, lingering beside the door.

Viktor hummed. "I could tell that today would be one of your sleepless nights. So I stayed up and played, waiting for you", he said and Five felt guilty. He doesn't want his brother to lose sleep for him.

"You shouldn't do that. You need sleep"

"So you do. Plus. You are my brother... My little brother now"He chuckled when he saw Five eye twitch. "It's my job to look after you. And if that means staying up late and playing the violin then so be it." A small price to pay if it means his brother would sleep. "C'mon. Sit down", he said as he patted the spot on the bed, beside him. Five hesitate a little before he went to his brother and he sat down on the bed and Viktor immediately started to play for him. The same melody that he used to play for him when they were all kids, and he couldn't sleep or he was affected by what his father said or did.

"I missed this"Five was surprised when his words come out of his mouth.

"Miss what?"Viktor asked as he stopped playing again.

"You playing for me. I missed it when I was in the Apocalypse"

Viktor looked sadly at Five and he moved one hand to take Five's hand and squeezed it gently. "I missed playing for you as well. There were some nights where I stayed up all night playing and hoping that I will see you sneaking into my room. " But it never happened." But that doesn't matter anymore. You are back here and I will play for you. All you have to do is ask"

"Thank you, "Five said sincerely with a smile. Viktor smiled back at him and he let go of his hand and resumed playing. Five had fallen asleep soon after, lulled by the familiar calming music.


One day Viktor had proposed him to teach him to play the violin. Five doesn't know where that comes from. And it sounds tempting. But he refused because he was embarrassed that he would make a fool of himself and that his brother would laugh at him and probably tell the others as well and they would all make fun of him. And yeah. He knew that he put too much thought into that. And Viktor won't do something like this. But he couldn't help but be afraid. So he refused with the excuse " You are busy enough with your concerts and the kids that you teach". He could see that Viktor was about to protest. But he had probably seen something in his eyes and he had dropped it.

Then a few days after that proposal, Five was alone at home.  Viktor was at his rehearsal, Diego was at the gym, he doesn't know where Allison or Luther were and Klaus was somewhere with Ben to keep him out of trouble. Five was alone because he doesn't have anywhere to go. Plus he would attract suspicious looks because he was a kid who walked through the streets instead of being in school. He doesn't know why but his legs brought him to Viktor's room. Once he walked inside he saw on his desk his spare violin out from the box. He walked towards it and his fingers twitched to take it and play. He might as well. It's not like there was someone home to make fun of him. So he took the instrument and leaned against the wall. He had seen Viktor doing it many times, so he placed it on his shoulder and under his neck, and with his other hand, he used the wand to stroke the cords. He cringed in the beginning. It sounded horrible, like a screech. But the second time it started to sound better. It was soft and hesitant in the beginning, afraid that he would break the cords. But soon he becomes more confident. He closed his eyes and he started playing the song that Viktor played for him almost 100 times. He was so focused on the music that he hadn't noticed a person walking into the room admiring him. He did it once he stopped and he heard clapping. 

Five opened his eyes and he actually blushed embarrassed when he saw his brother there, clapping and smiling proudly at him. "Viktor. Wh-what are you d-doing h-here?" Great. Now, he's stuttering too.

"It's my room", he said amused.

"You know what I mean"

"'The rehearsals ended faster. And I'm glad that they did because I managed to witness this"

"I'm sorry for walking in your room and touching it without your permission", he said as he looked away guilty.

"You don't need to apologize Five. I don't mind. By the way. I like it very much"

"You did?" he asked a little too helpful than he wanted to sound.

Viktor hummed with a nod. "You are very talented. To think that you managed to play one of the most complex songs without even a lesson"

"It was enough to watch you I guess"

"I figured it, Go ahead. Do it again" Viktor said with a smile as he sat down on the bed and watched him with a smile. 

Five was a little hesitant, it was different when you think that you are alone and when there is someone that watches you. In the end, he brought the violin back in its position and he started to play again. All this time Viktor looked at him proudly. And after this, if he asked Viktor to teach him more songs, then this was his business. 

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