Chapter 94 (Part 2)

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Five eyes widened when he read the message. Did someone get his family? No. Not just someone. He can recognize this writing everywhere. It belonged to the Handler. But that can't be right. He clearly remembered that he had killed her when he had blown up that building months ago. How come she was still alive? Five had a mix of emotions regarding this. Fear. Worry and Anger. How dare she put her hands on his siblings. It wasn't enough that he had suffered enough at her hands? Must his siblings suffer as well? Five had a vague guess of why she did that. Once his siblings would be dead then there would be nothing that would keep him away from working for The Commission again. Well. That's where she's wrong. Because if she had killed them, then he would tear the whole Commission and its agents to pieces. Five turned the paper on the other side to see that it was written the address where he would find them. He knows this place. It was one of the Commission bases, in the past. 

Five closed his eyes and he focused on the location. Time Traveling was still new and fragile for him. One mistake and he would be thrown in another time, without any energy to travel back, once more. Five was engulfed in blue light. The whole living room was glowing blue. In a matter of seconds, he was gone.

Five landed in a room on the ground with a grunt. "Well. Well. Look who finally decide to join us"Five tensed as he heard the giddy voice of the Tha Handler. He was so tired. Now that he thinks about it he would have made a better plan. Time traveling sucks all his energy and now he can barely get up from the floor. 

"Five?"Five eyes widened. He recognizes that voice. It was Viktor. But it sounded wrong. It sounded like he was in pain. Why he was in pain? No. Wait. He knows the answer to that question. That Bitch had hurt his brother. He would make her pain. Gaining strength from his determination and some adrenaline Five stood up and his eyes widened when he saw his brother, tied to a chair and hurt. He couldn't assess what injuries he has from there. But he could see that he was bloody.

"You dare to touch my family?"Five asked through gritted teeth as he stood up, and wobbled on his feet.

The Handler laughed and looked at him like he didn't possess any threat to her. And at this point maybe he doesn't. "Well, my dear Five. I must say that this is all your fault. If you hadn't stopped the Apocalypse from coming, I wouldn't have needed to resort to this situation."

"So all of this. You torture my brother and kidnap my other siblings because you wanted to start the Apocalypse?"

"Why but yes, my dear", she said walking towards the boy. "Unfortunately your brother is very.. resilient", she clicked her tongue before she raised one hand to stroke Five face, making the boy recoil.

" Don't touch my brother", Viktor snarled, and Five, and Unfortunately, the Handler also saw his chest glowing nd his skin paling.

"Oh. If that's what makes you snap, then I should have thought of that from the beginning?" she said with a pleased smirk and she continued to touch Five again. His face, arms, head. And no matter how many times he tried to evade her touches, she still managed to do it.  Five saw that Viktor was close to imploding at this point. This is not good. He barely has enough strength to fight, much else finding the others and taking them as far as possible.

"Viktor stop", he shouted. This was his only solution. "Please. You are going to kill yourself and everyone else if you don't gain control of your powers and stop "he pleaded and he really hopes that he would listen to him. He did. Because the glow was dying down. The Handler tsked unpleased and before Five could do anything else, he was hit in the back of his head and knocked out.


Five woke up by a slap across his face followed by the words "Wakey Wakey you little bastard". He groaned and when he opened his eyes he realized that he was in a room similar to the one where Viktor was kept. Where are his other siblings being kept? He was tied to a chair and in front of him was a woman. Tanned skin. The same age as his siblings. Dark short hair and dressed in blue jeans and a black sweater.

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