Untitled Part 69

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Five knew that one day his lie would come and bite him in the ass. He didn't know that it would be so soon. What lie you are wondering? Well, Five lied about his age. He's not 58 and he didn't spend 45 years in the apocalypse. He actually spent only 2 weeks. Which was not as bad as 4 and half decades, but it was still bad enough. Especially since he saw the body of his siblings. The apocalypse is not a place you would like to live. It's desolate and destroyed. No living being except for bugs. The air and water are populated by smoke and ash. And it's hard to find food or clean water. He always had to cover his mouth and eyes to make sure that he won't inhale ash because it could be dangerous. Escielay since there's no medicine or medical equipment. So yeah. It was like living in hell. And the worst part. He couldn't get back home.

Five thought that he would be stuck there all his life. Grow old and die there. But one day a strange woman appeared out of nowhere. Maybe he was hallucinating. Because there's no way there was another human being there. And she was dressed like she hadn't spent a minute in that hell hole. But no. She was very much alive. And she gave him a way out from that hellhole. Five thought that she might be an angel. But when he agreed and was taken to a place called the Commission, he realized that she was actually the devil.

He was forced to work in that place. The Commission controls the timeline and makes sure that no one fucks with it and changes it. Even the smallest change needs to be taken out. Meaning killing them. And that's where he comes in. He had been trained for 3 months to be an assassin. To be ruthless and kill without any hesitancy. And he hates it. Because most of that people are innocent and they didn't even know what they had done. And if that was not bad enough, The Handler, as she introduced herself, was a creeper. She doesn't value his personal space. She's always in his space, way too close to be comfortable. And she can't keep her hands on herself either. She always touches him. Which not only makes him uncomfortable but makes his kin crawl too. He tried to avoid her as much as possible. But she always finds him.

He had spent 6 months with the Commission. 3 months of training and 3 months working as an assassin. Until he had found a way to go back to his siblings. He took it without hesitancy. His plan was to back to 2002. Like this, he would have more time to stop the Apocalypse. He groaned as he hit the ground after he fell from the portal.

"Does anyone else see little number Five? Or is it just me?"Five heard an unfamiliar voice. He stood up and he looked around. He was definitely home. But in front of him weren't 6 kids his age. Instead, there were 5 adults.

"Shit" He had landed in 2019 by the look of his siblings. Hopefully, he has enough time to stop the Apocalypse. From there he had explained to his brothers and sister that he had been in the future. "It's shit by the way" And how he had spent 45 years there until he had managed to get back home.

"Wait. You are 58?"Luther asked.

"No. My consciousness is 58", Five answered annoyed as he made his peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich. "For some reason, my body reverted to the age of 13 again. "Which is a lie. He's not actually 58. He really 13. Well. He was supposed to be 14. But he didn't stick there until that happened. Why did he lie to his siblings? Simple. Because like this they would listen to him.

Wrong. He was wrong. His siblings are morons and idiots and they not only listen to him but they treat him like shit too. He wants to hate them but he loved them too much to do that. He wishes that they would love him as well. And care about him too.


A lot of shit happened in these past few days. But then again. Who said saving the world is actually easy? Not only the Commission had sent two assassins after him to stop him from stopping the apocalypse. But he had met with the Handler again. He had tough that he had escaped from her when he traveled back. Apparently, he was wrong. And she even has the audacity to strike a deal with him. Alright. He would accept it. Even though he knew that she would backstab him. Well, he would do that himself before she has the chance to do it. 

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