Untitled Part 15

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It wasn't uncommon for Five to have nightmares. It's pretty obvious with the life he led. Nightmares are his constant companions. He had forgotten when it was the last time he had a nightmare-free sleep. Perhaps when he was unconscious. Or maybe before he had made the mistake to time travel and he got stuck in the Apocalypse.

Fortunately for him, he's so used to them, that he had learned to wake up without making any noise. Like this, he won't disturb his siblings. He won't wake them up and they would not see him vulnerable.

Most of his dreams are about his time at the Commission. But unfortunately this night he hadn't been that lucky.

Five was in an unfamiliar room. It was painted in red from the victims' bodies. He was in the middle of the room, surrounded by bodies, holding a gun. He was shocked when he saw his reflection in the window. And not because he was bloody. No. But because he was 13. As he turned around, he stumbled backward as he saw that his siblings were his victims. The shock of seeing his siblings' dead bodies, filled with bullet holes and other wounds, caused him to drop the gun.

No. It wasn't possible. He can't believe this. He had killed his own siblings. Then the image changed and he wasn't in the unknown room anymore. He was back in the barn in the '60s. The only difference was that he wasn't shot. He was again in the middle of his siblings' bodies. He could hear the Handler laughing in the background.

"It's all your fault"Five attention was snapped in Allison's direction as he heard her voice. Allison stood up, eyes devoid of life as she smiled at him bloody. 

"We are dead because of you", That was Luther. He looked to see his brother standing up. He looked exactly like Allison. Dead eyes and bloody smile.

"You killed us" The next who said that was Diego.

"We were happy without you"Klaus was next.

"You shouldn't have come back." Viktor 

"You left us and because of you, I died. If you stayed I would have still been alive" He was shocked when he heard Ben's voice too. When he turned to look at him, he saw that he didn't look like an adult, like how he had seen him at the theater. He was 16 and bloody, his stomach ripped into pieces from his tentacles.

His siblings walked towards him, repeating the same thing again and again. He backed out but he couldn't escape them. He collapsed against a wall and curled up in a ball as his family was closer and closer. And when they touched him. He screamed.


The door to Five room burst open as five(six) people rushed inside. All of them had been awakened when they heard a horrible scream coming from their little brother's room. They were prepared for an attack. Not for Five to be twisted in his sheets, trapped in a nightmare. The boy continued to scream and cry out. They could make out words like 'no' or 'i'm sorry ' or 'i didn't want this'

Having enough of this, Diego was the first one who moved and he walked towards Five bed and kneeled beside it. "Five. C'mon. Woke up kid", he said gently and when he touched the boy's arm Five woke up gasping. "Five?" he asked worriedly. The boy looked at him and Diego was shocked to see fear in the boy's eyes for the first time. 

Five gasped and moved back from him until he fell to the floor.

"Five", Allison said and she rushed to help him. But her brother immediately backed away from her and curled against the wall. 

"Please. I'm sorry. I didn't wanted to kill you. I'm sorry", he whimpered as he lowered his head on his knees and he rocked back in forth. 

The siblings looked at each other worriedly. What had Five dreamed that it made him so frightened?

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