Untitled Part 18

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Luther proposed for everyone to go to the pool. While some were harder to convince than others, they agreed because they had nothing else to do. Other than moping around that they have been replaced. Luckily the Obsidian Hotel has a pool indoors. So they won't need to go to a public one and risk meeting the Sparrows on their way.

"Yay. Thers' no on there", Klaus said as he jumped in the other in the clothes that he was wearing. He didn't even bother to change. I mean it's not like they have swimming clothes. After they arrived at the hotel, they went to a small clothing shop and Allison rumored the worker to give them the clothes for free. It's not like they had any money anyway.  Anyway. If Klaus gets sick because he didn't bother to remove his pants and shirt before jumping in the water, then it's his fault. Hell, even Luther removed his shirt. But that was probably because they were the only ones there. 

Everyone was in the water, splashing each other or swimming. Everyone but Five. Five decided to stay on the sideline as he watched his siblings. It's not like he would not want to get in the water as well. But he can't. The reason? He doesn't know how to swim. Their father never taught them how to swim. Or maybe they did when he had left. This or his siblings learned by themselves. And in the Apocalypse? Well, there was barely any clean water to drink. Much else to swim. Sometimes he stayed dirty for months until he managed to find enough water to have it for consumption for a few days and clean himself a little too.

Yeah. He doesn't know how to swim. So if he enter in the water he would drown and die. Of course, he can always use floats. But he would not be caught dead doing it. So he decided to stay and watch.

His siblings were too engrossed in each other to notice his absence. But it didn't last too long."Five. What are you doing there?"Allison asked as she swam to the edge of the pool. "Come in the other"

"No, thank you?"

"Aww. Why? Come on little man. Had some fun ?"Klaus said.

Five rolled his eyes and he walked to the edge and sat down on it before he stuck his feet in the water, after he took off his shoes. "See. I'm in the water. Happy?"

Allison rolled her eyes and her eyes glinted with mischief. She grabbed the boy's ankle and pulled him into the water. Five yelped as he hit the water. Luckily he was close to the edge still, and his feet were touching the floor of the pool. "Seriously?" he asked but his sister only shrugged and she splashed him with some water.

Five was tempted to curse her. But instead, he found himself splashing her back. He was safe as long as he didn't go too deep. Unfortunately, he was too busy to play with Allison, Klaus, and Viktor, who decided to join them, in their splashing play, to notice the looks Diego and Luther gave each other.

"Five. Why you don't swim a little too?"Diego asked as he approached his siblings with Luther.

"No, thank you"

"C'mon. it's fun", he said and he grabbed the boy's arm.

"Diego. Let go of me right now?" he said through gritted teeth. But Diego ignored him and Luther grabbed his other arm and the two started to pull him towards the deeper part of the pool. "Diego, Luther. Stop it", he said to his humiliation he could hear the panic in his voice. Apparently, Allison, Klaus, and Viktor noticed it too because they started to tell Luther and Diego to leave him alone. But they didn't listen. Once he was pulled on the deeper side they let go. Five kicked his feet to stay up, but it was unsuccessful as he sank down. Five struggled to get back to the surface but he couldn't do it. His legs and arms started to ache as he sank until he touched the floor of the pool. He could feel how he couldn't breathe. He was suffocating and it was as worse as when the ash entered his lungs. His vision started to darken. The last thing he saw before he closed his eyes was a figure, swimming toward him.


"Guys it's not funny. Something is wrong. There's a reason why Five didn't want to go", Viktor said as he glared at his two brothers. 

"I'm sure that it's nothing. The little shit is just allergic to fun" Luther said.

"Ahh, guys. I don't want to alarm you. But Five hadn't come to the surface for a couple of minutes by now", Klaus said anxiously as he looked around expecting to see his brother popping out from somewhere.

"Five?"Allison yelled after him and she looked around as well. By this time the smiles on Diego and Luther's faces disappeared as they noticed the serious situation. "Shit", Diego said as he dived down. All the siblings dived down, searching for their little brother.

Luther was the one who spotted Five first. He immediately swam in his direction and he wrapped his arm around the boy's waist before he resurfaced. He immediately swam to the edge where he pulled the boy to the floor and he called for the others. 

Viktor immediately jumped out from the other and kneeled beside his brother and he was about to check to see if he was breathing when the boy gasped and he started to choke. He immediately turned him to on said and patted his back as the boy threw up the water from his lungs. After he finished he stayed motionless his eyes closed.

"I think I had enough of the pool," Klaus said as he got out of the water. Everyone nodded and they got out as well. Luther scooped Five in his arms and the siblings walked towards their rooms.

Klaus and Viktor helped changed Five from his wet clothes. He almost drowned. He doesn't need to get sick as well. As Allison yelled at Luther and Diego for their stupidity. Five told them to let him go back then. But they had been stupid and hadn't listened and they almost killed their little brother. And at least they had the decency to look ashamed.


When Five woke up he noticed that he wasn't dead. He blinked a couple of times to let his eyes adjust and he saw that he was back in the room in the Hotel. Looking around he saw Diego and Luther sleeping in the chair in front of his bed. The others weren't there. He wondered how long he had been out. Five moved his leg and he kicked the chairs, making his two brothers woke up startled. Five smiled amused.

"Five. You are awake", Diego said once h realized how woke him up.

"How are you feeling?"Luther asked

"Like I almost drowned ", he said and his brothers grimaced.

"Five. We are sorry. We shouldn't have dragged you like this and we should have listened to you when you told us to stop", Luther said. And yeah. They should have. "But why you didn't tell us that you can't swim?"

Five shrugged as he stood up in a sitting position and leaned against the wall. "I didn't think that it matter. If you hadn't noticed we hadn't been anywhere close to the waters before"

"Even if that's the case, you should have told us. Because it actually matters"Diego said as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"I thought that my hesitancy to be any closer to the water was enough of a clue"

"Yeah. We thought that it was the whole you are not a little kid and you don't have time to play"

Five rolled his eyes. But he guessed that his brothers are right. He had said that too many times instead of telling them what really bothers him. "Five", Diego said softly. "Promise us that next time you would tell us if something is wrong. Alright?

"I can promise to do that. But I can try"

"That's good enough"

"Now. Where are the others?"

"Klaus and Viktor took Allison away to calm down before she would not murder us, "Luther said, and yeah. That makes sense. "Say Five. Seeing that you didn't learn to swim. Don't you want to learn?"

Five was quiet for a few seconds. "Yes. I think I want that. But not at this moment. I want to be away from pools for a while"

"Fair point"

When the others returned an hour later and they saw that Five was alright, they jumped him and suffocated him with their hugs and drove him crazy with their question if he was alright. Five glared at Diego and Luther who stayed away and laughed at him. The traitors.

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