Untitled Part 80

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One day all the siblings save for Five, found Allison in the living room surrounded by a few books. And she was looking through all of them at the same time. And there weren't any kinds of books. There were books with names for your children.

"Ahh, Allison. Do you have something to tell us?"Klaus asked and he was slapped upside down his head by the ghost Ben. It was always fun to see Klaus being hit by an invisible force. But there were times when Klaus was enjoying their pain. Because Ben can touch anyone if focused enough. Even if he's not corporal. So there are times when Diego or Luther. Even Allison and Viktor. Receives the slap from a ghost when there are mean with Klaus or Five.

"What are you talking about? Tell you what?"Allison asked confused as she lifted her head from her book for a second to glance at her brothers before she looked back at the book.

"Why are you looking at baby names books?"Diego asked as bluntly as Klaus. 

"Oh," Allison said and she immediately realized what her brothers were thinking about. "It's not what you are all thinking. I'm searching for a name for Five"

"A name for Five?"Luther asked.

Allison hummed. "I mean. We all have normal names. Five doesn't. And I know that he doesn't care that his name is a number. Not anymore. But it's not fair for him. And maybe one day he would go to school and he would try to make friends. People would be mean to him if he introduces himself with Five Hargreeves" But the chance of Five going to school was low. Making friends was even lower. But anything is possible. "So I was searching for a name"

"Ben wanted to know if you had decided on a name yet"

"Not yet. I'm still searching. I've found some interesting names. But then I realized that they aren't very suitable for Five"

"We can help too. Right guys?"Viktor asked as he looked at his brothers. They nodded and so everyone sat down beside their sister and each grabbed a book and looked through it. Klaus even made Ben corporal to help as well, to everyone's delight.

"What about Richard?"Luther asked after a while and he looked at the others. Klaus and Diego looked pleased. But Viktor, Allison, and Ben not so much. "I take it as a no," he said before he turned back to the book.

"What about Christopher?"Klaus asked.

"No", Everyone said cringing. Imagine calling Five that. It didn't fit him.

"What about Michael? Or Mike for short"Diego asked for a while and Allison looked pleased. Actually, everyone looked pleased.

"I like it. Note it down", she said as she threw her notebook at him. Diego looked through it to see other names written down by her, most likely before they found her. He found names like Alex, Lucas, Jake, and Nick to name a few. He must admit that they were good names. Fitting. It would be hard to choose from one.

"What do you say about Marcus?"Viktor asked and he cringed immediately again. "If I'm thinking about it no. It doesn't fit him"

"Hey guys," Ben said. "I found one. What about Aidan? It sounds fitting for Five"

His brothers and sister nodded. "Yes. I actually like it as well. Note it down" Allison said with a smile and Ben did it after Diego threw the notebook at him. 

They continued to look through the books for a few more hours. They didn't even notice when Five walked past them.  They all added more names to the list and now they were hovering over it deciding what name they should choose.

"We shouldn't have added so many names"Luther pointed out. He was right. They should have stopped at 6 or 7 names. But they continued until there was a list of 20 names.

"Shouldn't we maybe ask Five what name he wants? After all, this is for him. What if he doesn't like it"Diego said and Allison shook her head.

"No. I want to be a surprise for him. Plus if he doesn't like it we can change it and try again"

"Are we even sure that he wants a normal name?"Viktor asked.

"Sure he wants, "Klaus said. "I mean he didn't say anything nor did he look like he cared that his name is a number. But he surely wants a name."

The siblings turned back on hovering over the list wondering which name would be more fitting. After a while, they decided on a name. "Tomorrow I will go and have it officialized," Allison said beaming. Really she looked so excited like she was the one who got the name.


No matter how much he tries Five won't understand his siblings properly. Not fully anyway. They changed so much even since they were kids. Well. Not that much. They still remained assholes. But there were times when all of them acted so much differently compared to how they acted when all of them were kids. Take Allison for example. Even though she was still self-centered at times, she become nurturing and motherly as well. Especially with him. He hates it. Or Viktor as another example. He used to be shy when he was a kid. Now he's bold at times and he doesn't hesitate to say what he was thinking.

Tonight was one of the moments where he doesn't understand his siblings.  He had walked into the living room and found them all with the nose in books. He was not interested to see what they were reading. But he realized that they were so focused that they didn't even notice when he called their names. That or they ignored him. Not like he cares. Not at all.

Then it happened again the next day. When he walked down he found them all ready to leave and they didn't even spare a glance at him. Again. Who cares that they left without bothering to ask him if he wants to go with them? Because he doesn't. Because he would have said no anyway. And the pain in his chest was from a completely different reason.

Now Five was watching tv in the living room. And he was not sulking. When his brothers and sister had came home from wherever they went. They looked very happy. They must have fun.

"Hey Five," Klaus said being the first one who approached the boy. Five hummed and he looked at his brother. "We have a surprise for you," He said. And alright. That's not what he expected to hear. He expected to listen to his brother's story telling him about how much fun he had.

"I don't like surprises"

"Oh. This one you would like. We hope" Diego said and for the first time he looked properly at his siblings and he realized that the happiness died down and was replaced by anxiousness.

"What is it?", he asked and Allison handed him a file. Five frowned and he looked at it. The last thing he expected to be was a certificate.  And right in the middle of it was a name written in bold black letters Aidan Hargreeves. "What?"Five asked confused.

"We searched for a name for you. It wasn't fair that you are the only one in this family without a proper name"Allison said.

"She was the one who started actually. We followed. Because she was right. So we helped her look through the books for the name"Luther continued.

"There were a lot of them that were fitting for you. Really we had a list of 20 names" Viktor said.

"It was hard to decide which name to choose. But in the end, we picked this one. We hope that you like it"Ben said and Five didn't even notice that he was corporal until now.

Five looked down at the name on the paper. So that's why his siblings were surrounded by books. Yesterday they didn't ignore him on purpose. They were focused on finding him a name. And today they didn't want for him to go with them because they wanted to be a surprise. Five smiled a genuinely sweet smile. "Yes. I love it. Thank you guys"

"Aww. Five. No. Aidan loves us" Klaus said as he wrapped his arms around his little brother. The smile from Five. No. Aidan died down and was replaced by the familiar scowl as he pushed against Klaus. 

"I said that I love the name. Not you idiot" He said and everyone started to laugh. None of them bothered to help. The traitors.

Until now he hadn't had a name before. Just a number as a name. His name had been Number Five. And he always wondered why his brothers and sister got to have a name but he doesn't get one. Even Viktor got a name. But now. Now after all these years he finally has a name. He's not Number Five anymore. He's Aidan Hargreeves. 

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