Untitled Part 27

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Allison was pissed. And it was showing on her face. When they had gotten all out as a family, they had been attacked by some Commission agents. Allison was busy with one of them and she didn't notice another one approaching with a crowbar after their gun had been knocked out of their hands. Yea. She didn't notice. But Five did. And when that person was about to hit her with the crowbar, her stupid little brother decided that it was a good idea to be a human shield instead of attacking the person from behind.

So the person hit him in the arm. And because they were stronger than him and Five's body was one of a very skinny 13-year-old boy, they cracked the bones in his arm. Allison turned around when she heard her brother crying out and she saw him on the ground cradling his left arm to his chest. At least the agent had been taken care of by Luther. Shame. She wanted to rip that piece of shit into pieces.

"Five? You alright", Allison asked as she crouched down beside him.

"I'm fine. Just focus on the fight"

"I'm sure that our brothers are more than capable of taking care of the others by themselves."And it was true. There weren't many agents remaining and they didn't represent any threat to their brothers. "Let me see", she said gently and she pulled Five's good hand away from his arm. When she touched his bad arm the boy cried out. "Shit. Alright. It's alright. Hopefully, it's not broke", she said reassuringly and she helped Five up and took him away from the action.

Five hoped that too. But in all his life, not even in the Apocalypse or when he worked for the Commission, he hadn't had a broken arm before. So he doesn't know how that feels. All he knows is that it hurts like shit. And it wants to stop. Of course, he won't vocalize those thoughts. It would make him look childish and weak.

Allison had stayed with Five in the safe spot, guarding him in case some agents saw them going there until the fight was over and their brothers had come to find them.


When they returned home they brought Five to the infirmary and Allison went to search for Grace. Five must be in real pain if he didn't protest and said that he would take care of it by himself.

When Allison returned with their mother, she immediately went to her son to check him out and help him. When she touched his bad arm, it got the same reaction out of him, as when Allison had touched him. Having figured out what was wrong with her son, Grace began treating his arm after she gave him some painkillers. 

"Good news darlings. Five bones from his arm are just cracked. Not broken. So he would be fine in a few weeks", she told her children with a reading smile. After they were reassured that their brother would be alright, everyone but Allison, walked out of the infirmary, to let their brother rest.

"Are you feeling better?"Allison asked as she sat down on the bed edge.

"I'm fine", Five said annoyed. He was clearly not pleased that their mother had to forbid him from doing anything strenuous for a few days and that his left arm would be in a cast for a few weeks

"It was reckless of what you did there. Do you know? They could have hit you in the head. You're lucky it was your arm"

"How do you...?"

"Know that you decided that it was funny to play human shield instead of attacking the agent from behind? Because I know you Five. And like I said. It was reckless"

"I don't care. I don't regret it"

"Alright then. You are grounded" She said as she stood up.

"What?'Five exploded. And Allison expected that reaction.

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