Untitled Part 9

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There was an incessant annoying beeping that woke Five up. He groaned as he moved his head. He was feeling tired and he wanted to go back to sleep but the noise didn't stop.

'What happened? he thought as he finally opened his eyes. He blinked to let them adjust to the light. That's when Five realized that he was in a white room that was smelling of antiseptic. " What the hell? Why I'm in a hospital? Five looked around to see that he was alone. He snorted. Obviously. He remembered when he woke after his mom had patched his shrapnel would, days ago, that he had woke up alone there too.

Looking around, Five realized that the annoying beeping noise was coming from his heart monitor. He was hooked to it and to an iv that was pumping morphine considering that he doesn't feel any pain. And his mind was fuzzy.

Looking down at him, he was hit with a realization. One of his forearms was missing. "Shit", he whimpered as the reality hit him and now he remembered what happened.

A few days ago

Five was swaying on his feet. Now that the adrenaline from earlier had worn off, Five could feel excruciating pain and was feeling dizzy at the blood loss. He doesn't know what their father with Allison did, but they were back home, but Five doesn't feel the usual buzz of power that was always with him. He was too out to figure out that now he and everyone else was powerless. The machine also somehow brought Luther back too but their wounds weren't healed. He heard the others talking around him and Luther yelling for Sloane but he ignored them.

Luther was about to go to Five and demanded him to tell him where his wife was. But before he could do that Five collapsed on the ground with a thud, getting all of their attention.

"Five!" Klaus and Viktor shouted as they rushed to their brother and dropped to the ground beside him, the others staying in a place frozen.

"God. Look at his arm", Klaus said horrified as Viktor when looked at the severed arm too. "We need to bring him to the hospital. He lost too much blood"

Vitor nodded and with Klaus's help, he removed Five's suit jacket and wrapped it around the severed arm, and tied it around with his own tie. "Luther, can you pick him up?"Viktor asked as he looked at his brother. Luther wanted to go and search for his wife. But looking at his little brother pale on the ground, he nodded and picked him up. He can search after her after they take him to the hospital.

Klaus and Viktor stood up as well and walked after Luther with Ben, Deigo, and Lila hot on their heels. Luckily they were back in their own timeline, no alternate one or the past. When they arrived at the hospital, Five was taken from them immediately and wheeled away.

"What happened?"One nurse asked as she looked at them. And everyone could tell, by her expression that she was thinking that they are at fault. They need a believable story so they can't get arrested and have Cps take Five from them. 

"These men are the boy brothers", Lila started as she pointed at the men beside her. "I know it looks weird because they are grown up and he's a kid. But they are adopted."

"Dad adopted him after when we were 17. I guess that he wanted a little kid again, considering that all his sons are older now", Diego said with a nervous chuckle

"And where is your father?"The nurse asked as she crossed her arms

"Dead" Luther said. "He had died a few weeks ago after the kid's thirteen birthday. Heart failure. We moved together again to take care of him. We are his legal guardians"

"Mhm", The nurse was still having a hard time believing them. "And what happened with his arm"

"We are sons of a very wealthy man. Many people want to put their hands on us to get money. And this happened a few days ago. Five walked back home from school when he had been kidnaped from the streets. We received soon a call for ransom. "Viktor said hoping to sound as believable as possible.

The umbrella academy: In which Five gets all the love he deservesWhere stories live. Discover now