Untitled Part 51

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So yeah, The end of the world was coming again. Really. He can't catch a break for more than a couple of weeks. And the worst part. His family formed a temporary alliance with the Sparrow academy. Now he can see them all the time. They shot him dark looks because apparently for them, he was a traitor who allied with the enemies. And not only the death glare. He could hear insults thrown at him. Klaus and Viktor looked guilty and apologetic at him. But besides that, they aren't doing anything to stop them. Oh and besides that, he has to make sure that the Sparrow, especially Ben and Fei, don't kill his ungrateful family.

Now here he was. In the destroyed Commission, Ice Age, with Lila of all the people, trying to find what the hell is going on. Five and Lila stopped when he heard a crow. And here she was. A black familiar crow flew in his direction. She circled in front of Lila a couple of times, the woman swatting at her before she made herself comfortable on Five's shoulder.

"Hey there. How did you get here", he asked her with a small smile as he stroked her feathers. "You managed to find a way to sneak out, huh? You can't stay away from me aren't you?"Wuya made a noise before she nipped his fingers as if telling him that he always gets in trouble when she's not there.

Five looked away from his friend when he heard Lila clearing her throat. Looking at her, he saw that she was looking at him like he had gone crazy. "What?", he asked her with a glare.

"Ahh. What's with the crow?"

"Not your business" Five said as he walked away from her.

"C'mon tell. I promise that I won't make fun of you. Too much", Lila said as she walked after Five. She was invading his personal space, but she backed away when the crow looked at her like she was ready to attack.

"She's my friend and protector. Happy?"Five said without bothering to look at Lila. He expected her to laugh or make fun of him. Not like he would care.

"That's nice", he heard her say instead. "I can see that she's very protective of you and it's a good thing to have someone there to protect you for a change."

"Thank you. I guess"

"So what happened between you and your family? I can see that its some tension between you and them"

"They consider me a traitor", Was the only thing that he told her. He kept his silence after that. Only talking when she annoys him hoping that if he would answer her, she would shut up.

At the end of the journey, they had found him. His older self. He should have expected that he would stumble over a version of himself. Because he had paradox psychosis symptoms. Lila had laughed at him when she learned that he was the one who had founded the Commison after he said so many times, how much he hates it.

And apparently, his old self is a bastard because he chose that moment to die. "Don't save the world", was the last thing that he had told him before he died. How can he tell him to not save the world? He had spent weeks saving the world from apocalypses and now he should stay and do nothing as the Kugeblitz wipes everything and everyone.

"Lila. Can I have the room?"He told her without looking at her. Wuya, feeling his distress, rubbed herself against his face, trying to comfort him. But this time it didn't work.

"No no no. Five. I shouldn't leave you two alone" Lila said and Five appreciate the concern in her voice. But he wants to be alone. 

"Lila. Please. I want to be alone"Five said and he didn't care when his voice cracked. "Wuya. You too"

Wuya was a stubborn bird. But she understood and she flew away from his shoulder to Lila's shoulder. The woman jumped at the unexpected contact, which would have been funny in another situation. She looked one more time at Five before she walked away from the room. Once he was finally alone, Five collapsed beside his dead body and he hugged his knees as he broke down.

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