Untitled Part 86

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The end of the world is coming. And it's not like in the movies that he had seen. You would think that after all these years of training and missions they've been prepared for everything. But nothing could prepare them for something that wipes out everyone and everything. And yet most of them were relaxed like they wouldn't die in a few days. Especially the Umbrella. Ben had found them all weird even since day one. Especially that guy Klaus who wanted to hug him and acted like they know each other. Well, now he had gotten to know him better. But he still thinks that he's weird. In a good way. Maybe. And there was the other guy, Diego. Who asked that if he killed him, they would get their Ben back. Like wtf? As far as he knows he's the only Ben there. But considering that later he learned that the Umbrella are from another universe, he figured out that it must have been another version of him too. Who apparently died. Which means that he was weak.

So yeah. All of them are weird. But somehow he was attracted to the little boy that he was with them. The kid was an enigma. He was clearly a child and yet he has powers like them. And he acts like a grown-up most of the time. Like a grumpy old man, even though he was what. 13? 14? He wonders if the kid is the son of one of the umbrellas. But nah. None of them act like are the kid's parents and the kid called them all by their first names. So he was their brother? But why does he have powers if he wasn't born at the same time as the others? It doesn't matter. That's a problem for another time.

Another thing that he had observed about the kid, besides his attitude, was he was so implicated in saving the world. Like it was in his blood. Like he was made only for one purpose and one only. And that is to save the world. And yet no matter how many times he tried to convince his siblings to trust him, and not their father, they don't seem to care or listen. And they looked at him like he was the one who started the Apocalypse.

Ben moved from where he was leaning against the wall and walked to the kid. "Hey", he said and the kid was broken from his thoughts and he looked at him. There was something in his eyes that flashes for a second when he looked at him. But Ben caught it. It was guilt. Why was the kid guilty when he looked at him? "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine"Five said and Ben had a feeling that that's Five default answer.

Ben hummed. "No. I don't think that you are"

"I don't have time for this small talk Ben"

"Well too bad. It's not like we have anything else to do now and you know it"

"Maybe you don't have. But I need to find a way to stop the Kugelblitz"

"Why don't you trust dad? He said that he has a solution"

"Because I don't. I know him and he's a manipulative bastard. He has his own motive for doing that. And believe me. There aren't good ones" Yeah. He trusts the kid. He knows his father too well enough that the man is anything but a good man. There was silence again but Ben broke it once more a couple of minutes later.

"Sooo. I see that you and your family are not very close. Why is that?" he asked but the boy ignored him. Ben sighed. He tried to be a better person. Less asshole. But the kid was not helping him there. "C'mon. Tell me. It would help if you talk with someone about it"

"Because they blame me for the Apocalypse"

Yeah. That's the last thing that he expected to hear. "What the hell? Why? It's not your fault"

Five shrugged. "Try telling them that. But after them, this is all my fault. Like the other two Apocalypses."

"You went through this before?"

Five hummed. "Not the same. The other two times it happened because of Viktor's lack of control over his powers. The first time he even destroyed the moon. I managed to save them by sending them in the '60s. And when I reunited with them, I learned that another Apocalypse is coming. I tried to warn them, to get them out from there and back to our timeline. I was successful of course. Only that we are not in our timeline. But it hadn't been easy. They refused to help. They blame me for being stuck there, they called me selfish. And yet all I did and sacrificed was for them. And yet they didn't even bother to come to a destination in time."Five said and he chuckled but it lacked humor. Now that Ben looked at the kid for the first time he could see everything. The pain. The suffering. The exhaustion both mentally and physically. Five has done anything for his family. And them? They only know how to critique him and act like what Five had done was for his benefit and not for theirs. What a bunch of assholes.

"That's such a bullshit" Ben snapped and Five flinched a little. Oops. He should have chosen his words better. "They", he pointed to Five siblings who were farther from them and laughed at something one them said. "Are a bunch of assholes. Why the fuck did they blamed you for everything when it's not even your fault?"

Five looked surprised. Maybe because he was not used for someone to be on his side and he expected for Ben to agree with his siblings. "Maybe because its easier to blame me than admit that they are at fault too"

"Bullshit. It's because they are sick fucks and assholes. They are self-centered bastards. That's what they are. You've done everything for them and had the audacity to act hurt and play victims. They are not better than dear old dad. That's for sure"

"So, you are not on their side?"Five asked a little too helpful to not be heartbreaking.

"Not at all kid. From what you told me, your brother Viktor was the one who started the Apocalypse. And I bet that it has something to do with dad"

"Yeah. You are right. You have to forgive me. I'm not used to people being on my side. I'm surprised that they didn't blame me for our Ben death too"

"Your Ben?" So he was right. It existed a version of him in their universe too. Who died.

Five nodded. "He died when he was 16. Because of his powers"

"Well if they blame you for that too then they are really sick. It's not like it had something to do with you"

Five shrugged. "They would have said that if I didn't time travel then Ben wouldn't have died. They would have probably said that I could have used my powers"

"You time traveled?"

Five nodded. "When all of us were 13. It was a mistake too. Because I got stuck in a post-apocalyptic future for a while. That's how I know about the end of the world"

"Well, like I said. They are assholes. And they don't deserve you. They don't deserve what you've done for them. They are so damn lucky to have you. Because if it wasn't for you then they would have been long dead."

"Thank you Ben", Five said as he looked at him with a small smile.

"No problem kid. And listen. I may not be your Ben. But I'm still him at the same time. Only different. So from no one, you can stick up with me. I will be there for you and help you" He said and he mean it. He would be there for the kid. He would not break his promise. 

And he did. And he was so grateful for keeping his promise when he and Five and Sloane had fought that Guardian and saved each other. And later after their father's plan worked. And Five was right. He did have an ulterior motive besides stopping the Kuegblitz. Because now they all are in a different timeline and powerless too. He looked at Five and he saw the boy looking heartbroken at his siblings, as all of them left in their own direction to live their life. Basically abandoning him. Ben walked to Five and he wrapped an arm around his shoulder, making him jump. Five looked surprised at him because he expected Ben to have left as well if his own siblings did it. "C'mon kid. Let's get out of here"


"Anywhere. But first. Let's go to Seoul", he said with a smile that was reciprocated as the two of them left for their new adventure.

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