Untitled Part 32

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Fives hates to be back in his 13-year-old body. And he hates to be with an overprotective family that treats him like a kid. First, they forbade him to drive anymore. Alright. He can deal with that. He doesn't need to drive anywhere all the time. Now that he's back home, he has enough food to fuel his energy so he can teleport wherever he wants as much as he wants. 

Then they forbade him alcohol. And that pissed him so much. They all started with the whole you are too young and you would ruin your life till your reach 20 shit. And alright. He can deal with that too. He doesn't drink from his father's stash of alcohol. But that doesn't mean that he doesn't drink anymore. He has his own ways to sneak alcohol from bars and shops.

And then it comes this. Another shit talks about him being too young, now to consume too much coffee as he does.

"Five. You need to understand that it's not healthy for you. Now I don't say that you can't drink coffee anymore. But not so much" Allison said gently.

"One cup per day," Luther said and his sister nodded.

"Exactly. Just one cup of black coffee per day, whenever you want to"

"With other drinks, nonalcoholic drinks, between that so you won't get dehydrated" Diego added.

"No" Was all Five said as he sipped from his third coffee of coffee this day. And it was still morning. And apparently, his brothers and sister weren't happy with that answer. What? They expected him to agree so easily and then every one to go back to their business.?

"No? Five..."

"My answer is fucking no. I'm 58 years old and I can't drink as much coffee as I want to"

"Five. I don't care how old your mind is. Your body is 13 therefore you are minor and I forbid you to drink coffee anymore" Allison said sternly. And Five only smiled smugly daring her to do something as he took another sip of coffee.

But it wasn't her who did something. Or Diego. Luther moved faster than the others, grabbed the cup from the boy's hands, and poured the whole content into the sink.

"What the fuck do you think that you are doing?"Five shouted angrily

"If you don't want to listen through words then we will use other measures. And from now one Noone buys coffee for home anymore. All the coffee would go to thrash as well." They are grownups. They can always go to a coffee shop to get a coffee. But Five. Well, Griddy is still close and they all doubt that other coffee shops would sell black coffee multiple times to a kid.

"You assholes"Five yelled and he kicked Luther in the shin. "I hate you. I hate you all" And no matter how many times Five yelled at them that he wasn't a kid. Right now he looked like one saying that. Like how little kids say it to their parents when they are denied something.

"Five. Don't you dare to leave. We hadn't finished yet" Diego said.

"Well, I'm finished. I don't want to see you anymore you assholes"

"Five. You don't go anywhere" Allison said as she grabbed his arm.

"Fuck off", he spat angrily as he glared at her. But she was angry as well. And annoyed. The next thing that she had done, shocked them both. She raised one hand and slapped the kid over his face, hard.

Five's eyes widened. Everything that he wanted to say next had died down on his lips. He brought his free hand to his face, and to his humiliation, he felt tears pricking at the corner of his eyes. Thanks to the shock Allison had let go of him and he blinked away.

Everyone was shocked at what just happened. But Klaus and Viktor, who had been quiet all this time, snapped back to reality first.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"Viktor asked as he pushed his sister angrily.

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