Untitled Part 47

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Diego was the one that had found him. He had found him by mistake, passed out from being too drunk. The others had appeared after him, soon after. 

"You know. I'm not even surprised anymore", Klaus said as he shook his head.

Viktor hovered worriedly in front of Five. "This is not healthy at all" He made a mental note that after everything would end, he would make sure that Five won't touch alcohol until he's not 21 years old. 

"Let's just bring him in the room. Make sure that he won't choke in his own vomit" Diego said and he scooped the boy in his arms. And God. Five was thinner and lighter than the last time he had picked him up with Allison. Diego started to make his way towards the bedroom with Five in his arms, hoping that he won't throw up on him. Viktor and Klaus were following him close behind. Ben was in the same situation as Five and he had passed out drunk before they had found Five. Klaus had brought him into a room to sleep. Luther was with Sloane and none of them wanted to bother him. And Allison. Well none of them knew where she had disappeared. She had started to act weirdly and it was worrisome. They need to keep an eye on her, in case she decides to backstab them.

Once in the bedroom, Diego had thrown Five on the bed, earning distressed noise from his other two brothers. "Can't you be more gentle", Klaus scolded him as he made Five more comfortable in the bed.

"I will when Five stops getting shit-faced all the time. It's not healthy man. He would ruin his liver until he's 20"

"Try saying this to him, "Klaus said as he smoothed one hand over Five head. Five mumbled in his sleep and he nuzzled against the hand, making Klaus beam at him. "He's so adorable when he's not being a little shit"

"I know", Diego said with a smile. He had said the same thing when he and Luther had found Five drunk for the first time, and they brought him to his boiler room.

"If you two want to sleep, then go ahead", Klaus said as he looked at Diego and Viktor. "I can take care of Five by myself"

"No way. I'm taking care of him with you", Viktor said immediately.

"Yeah, man. Five's our brother too. And plus. I'm not tired"


Five woke up after a while. The first thing that he noticed was that he wasn't on the hard ground anymore. But on a soft bed. Huh? Maybe he had teleported in his sleep. It won't be the first time. The second thing that he noticed was that he was feeling nauseated. Five immediately jumped into a sitting position and was hit by a wave of dizziness, as he brought one hand to his mouth.

"Five?", he heard someone saying his name and he flinched when he felt a hand on his back. "Sorry. Are you alright"

"Sick", he whispered and he heard someone cursing. 

"Here Five"He felt a pair of hands pushing him over something, a bowl or a trash can. Five removed his hand and he threw up. He whimpered as he could feel his stomach clenching and he wrapped his arms around his stomach.

"It's alright. Just let it out. It's alright. You are ok", he heard a voice whispering beside him, followed by a hand that rubbed his back. If he wasn't vomiting his intestines at this moment, he would have shoved the hand away. But at this moment, the hand was a comforting presence. After he finished, he saw that the one holding the basket was Diego. Diego smiled kindly at him and he walked away with the basket. The one that was rubbing his back, and smoothed a hand over his head was Klaus, and Viktor kneeled in front of him with a cloth and a glass of water.

Viktor used the wet cloth and he wiped Five's face gently. He was being babied. He hates it. But a small part of him was loving it as well. "How are you feeling", Viktor asked as he handed him the glass of water.

"Like my head stays to explode, "Five said and Klaus crooned at him before he started to rub his brother's head. And Five almost purred. Yeah. He wasn't fully sober yet. Because if he was Klaus would have lost his arm.

"I've brought you painkillers", Diego said as he walked back into the room and he handed them to Five. "Let me refill.."Five swallowed the meds dry. "Your glass with water"Klaus and Viktor looked at each other before bursting into laughter.

"Alright Five. Time to go back to sleep", Viktor said and Five whined.

"I'm not tired anymore", he said before yawning.

"Yeah. Sure you are not babe" Klaus said fondly and he removed his hand from Five head. Unfortunately, Five decided to take it as a prisoner and he hugged his brother's arm to his chest. "Aww. You are so adorable", he said as he pinched his cheeks and Five pouted instead of killing him. Yeah. Definitely still drunk.

"Why don't you lie down only and rest your eyes? You don't need to sleep"Diego suggested and Five laid down still holding on to Klaus's arm. 

"Ahh, guys. A little help?"

"With what? You have it handled", Viktor said with a not-so-innocent smile. And Diego pretended that he didn't see anything.

"Traitors. All of you"

"Shut up. Or I will shot you all"Five grumbled.

"You heard the baby. Shut up" Viktor said with a chuckle.

Klaus rolled his eyes and he tried to free his arm from Five hold. But no matter how much he pulled, the boy tightened his hold. For such a scrawny little kid, he was pretty strong. He shot his two traitor brothers a glare when they laughed at him. And the bastards only looked innocently at him. Having no other solution. Klaus lay in the bed, beside Five and he cradled his sleeping brother in his arms. Yeah. No tired my ass.

When Diego walked towards the bed, to cover Five, Klaus moved his free arm and grabbed him by his shirt and he pulled him into the bed. Diego yelped and in exchange, he grabbed the first thing, that he could, which was Viktor. Diego fell in the bed, managing to avoid hitting Five, with Viktor on him. Viktor slapped him on his arm and he moved away from his brother. 

"Really?", Diego asked as he looked at Klaus who only shrugged. 

"I don't know about you. But I think that Five is safe from choking on vomit. So I'm going to sleep", he said as he closed his eyes and went to sleep with Five pressed against his chest.

Viktor and Diego looked at each other before they made themselves comfortable as well. Viktor was pressed with his chest on Five's back, with an arm wrapped around the kid's waist. Diego was pressed against Viktor's back, his arm wrapped around Viktor's waist, like how Viktor was wrapped around Five's, and his fingers were curled on Five's forearm. The bed was not made for 4 people. But they managed to sleep comfortably in it.

The next morning, the door opened and inside walked Luther, Ben, Lila, and Sloane who smiled at the sight in front of them. Lila immediately snapped some pictures.

"For blackmail".

"Five's going to kill you", Luther told her but in the end, he still asked Lila to send him the pictures.

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