Untitled Part 43

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It had been a few weeks since Ben had moved in with him. If you would have told Five, when he had met Sparrow Ben, that he would be the only one that would stick with Five after everyone would leave him, he would have called that person crazy.

Because, as much as he likes to have Ben back, in the end, he wasn't really his Ben. But there were moments where it looked like this. He remembered when they were all in the Sparrow Timeline, how Ben was the one who had gone with him to the library. At that time he had gone to search for information about the Kugelblitz. Even though he knew that he wouldn't find anything. It was more like an excuse to get away from all the craziness for a few minutes. And Ben had gone with him. At that time he had thought that he would take him until there and then he would leave. He remembered looking at that man that was looking in their direction. And he had thought that he must be a friend or something, even though he looked older than him. He had told him to wait inside the library. Five had thought that he would leave with that man, but minutes later Ben had come inside too and he had stayed with him all day.

At that moment he pretended that he was with his Ben. This Ben was nice too. But that was rare. He was mostly an arrogant and asshole. Then they were back in their own timeline, powerless and everyone had left him. They didn't think twice about what could happen to him. How could a 13-year-old kid would live alone in society? In the Apocalypse, it had been easier because he was alone. His only worries had been to search for food, water, and shelter. But here. Yes, he has the mansion and his father's money. But then. What would happen if by mistake someone knocks at his door and ask where are his parents or his guardians? 

"Oh you know mister.. My parents are dead. I have older siblings but they don't give a shit about me and they decided to live their lives away from me". He can't say that because he would immediately be taken by the CPS. And he doesn't want to live amongst stupid brats. So he made sure that the house was looking less lively. Like this, no one would come knocking.

And when he goes out, to be away from the empty dark house, he always makes sure that he goes out at night. Like this he wouldn't be spotted by a concerned citizen and asked why he wasn't in school, or where is his family. Shame that one night when he had gotten for a walk, he had to unluck to meet a drunk and creepy man, that was as touchy as how The Handler had been. That was the night when he had met Ben again.


"Five" Five was broken from his thoughts when Ben snapped his fingers in front of his face. "I was talking with you. Did you listen to me?"He looked at Ben to see that he was annoying. But he knew all that well that it was just a mask to cover his worry.

"Sorry. I was with the mind somewhere else"

"I asked you what do you want for breakfast. I can't stay much, I have to go to work"

"Anything is alright. I'm not picky"

Ben grumbled and he started to make some waffles as Five looked at him. He had asked Ben a few days ago why he wanted to go to work. They have their father's money to last them a lifetime. "It's boring here. I need a hobby "he had told him that day. Ben got a job in a library. Apparently, this Ben shares the same love for books as his Ben used to.

"You zoned out again", Ben told him several minutes later as he put a plate of food in front of him.  "Are you alright?"This time Ben didn't hide beside the annoyance mask and he looked at the boy with open concern.

Five nodded. "I'm fine. I was thinking about its a surprise that you know how to cook"

Ben rolled his eyes. "You act like it's the first time. We lived together for weeks. What... Your other Ben didn't cook"

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