Untitled Part 44

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The conversation happened randomly. The Hargreeves siblings were relaxing in the living room. All of them. Even Five was presented there because he was forced out of his room. Ben was there too. And he was corporal. So yeah. It happened randomly.

"Hey Five," Diego said. "What was that woman's deal? Who she was? She was pretty creepy"

Five raised an eyebrow and he looked at Diego confused. Why his brother was asking about the Handler? "She was called the Handler. She worked with the Commison. She was very important in their ranks. She was the one who took from the Apocalypse and made me join the Commission."

"Wait. She knew that you have been there and she took you out only after 45 years?"Luther asked incredulously. If he had worked there and he would have seen a kid, alone in a destroyed world, he would have taken them out immediately. Not after years.

Five shrugged. "I don't know her reason and I didn't even care. My purpose back then was coming back here"

"Was she always so creepy? I mean I saw her a little but she gave me heebies jeebies" Diego said and everyone's attention turned to Five.

"Ahh. I don't really know what is your definition of creepy Diego. But I can say that she had become a little weird when we met again when I come back as a 13-year-old"

"What do you mean? Please elaborate" Allison said. She has an idea about what her brother told them. She hopes to God that she's wrong

Five shrugged. "She liked to make comments about my shots. She was creeping everywhere after me. She was very touchy as well. She couldn't keep her hands away from my face and hair and arms"Five said like it was the most normal thing that could have happened. For a smart boy at this moment he was being really dumb. Diego and Luther stood up and they walked away from the room angrily.

"I'm pretty sure that Number 1 and Number 2 have left to learn necromancy", Klaus said trying to lighten the mode. But the smile that had been on his face fell away and was replaced by the same look f concern that Allison, Viktor, and Ben had too. And Five. Their sweet little psycho Five was looking confused at them. "Five. Please tell me that you didn't think that it was normal"

"Five" Ben started slowly as he approached his brother. "Five. Do you think that it was normal for that woman to touch you so much?"

"I..I... I don't know. I guess?"He sounded so uncertain. It was heartbreaking. Of course. Five had been stuck in the Apocalypse for so many years. He had no one to teach him what a bad touch is"

"Five. How do you feel when one of us touches you? Or hug you? And please don't say annoyed. Be serious" Viktor said.

Five groaned annoyed. What had gotten in his siblings now? Why they are so started on talking about the touch of all things? "I don't know. Nice. Warm. Fuzzy. Comfortable. All the disgusting shit"Five said earning a chuckle from the others.

"What about when she touched you?"Allison asked. "How did you feel when she touched you"

"Ahh. Weird. Uncomfortable. It made my skin crawl"He also scratched his skin in the place where she had touched him, to get rid of her touch. But he didn't say that.

"Good You felt uncomfortable. Why you didn't tell her to stop?"Klaus asked.

"It's not like she would have stopped her if I told her. I know her"

"Five. was she touchy like this all the time?"Ben asked.

Five shook his head. "No. She wasn't like this before. She started being like this when I got stuck in my 13-year-old body"

That creepy pedophile woman. How dare she put her filthy hands on Five. On their little brother, who was very much underage. She was lucky that she was dead. Because if she wouldn't have been. They would have made her pay in the most painful way possible. And where the hell are Luther and Diego?

"Five",Ben started. "Do you know the difference between a bad touch and a good touch?"He asked and Five hooked his head. And oh god. His expression was so confused and he looked so innocent and oh so young.

"This is a good touch", Viktor said as he grabbed Five and he hugged him gently for a few seconds. "Or this", he said when he ruffled his hair making him scowl." When your friends or family touches you like this, then it's alright. Because it's innocent"

"Of course, this can make you uncomfortable as well. And if it does make you, then you have to say so and the others need to immediately stop. They are obligated to do it. If they don't then it's code red" Klaus said.

"And this"Allison started. "This is a bad touch," she said and with a heavy heart moved her arms and stroked Five face and arms, not so innocently, making Five recoil away from her touch. "Sorry. This is a no-no. When a stranger touch you like this, then tell them to stop. If they don't then walk away and if they follow you then go to a shop or crowded place. Don't stop until you feel safe. Did you understand?"

"I got it. Bad touch. Good touch. Say stop and don't stop until safe. But why are you telling me this"

"Because when that woman touched you, it's called bad touch. She did it to make you uncomfortable."Ben said. "Plus no matter how old your mind is, your body is still 13. She shouldn't have even thought about putting her hands on you. Much else doing it"

A thought struck Viktor and he prayed that it hadn't happened. "Five. Did she do something else too? More than touching you?"He asked and the others immediately looked at their brother, praying as well that nothing more had happened.

Five shook his head. "No. She only touched me. It was her method of intimidation", he said and the others sighed relieved. When they heard two pairs of footsteps they turned to see Luther and Diego making their way back to them. 

"Have you learned necromancy already?"Klaus asked and his two brothers rolled their eyes at him. "Well, when you two were God knows where". Most likely letting their anger on a room or something. "We taught Five the difference between the bad touch and the good touch"

"So I guess that now you learned what she did was not a good thing," Diego told him.

"Yeah", Five said exasperated. 

"Five," Luther said. "Was there someone else, like her out there?"

"As far as I know. No. But I never really interacted with many Commison members"

" Well, it's a  good thing that you won't need to work with them anymore. But you need to promise us something Five. Promise us that if someone like Handler appears and is all touchy with you. You would tell us"

Well now he knew the difference between touches and someone else would touch him like this, he would bash their head against walls and cut their arms. But.."I promise", he said reassuring his siblings. It would make him feel awkward to come and tell them that. Made him feel like a little kid. But the promise assured them. And he would keep his promise. Because he knows that how much he wants to protect them. That's how much they want to protect him as well. And for the one out there who dares to put their dirty hands on their little brother.. You better run.

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