Untitled Part 54

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Five's no stranger to nightmares. At all. He had nightmares even before the Apocalypse. It took him a while to realize. But his nightmares are focusing on the same thing. And that's losing his siblings. Even since he was a little kid and their father sent them on that mission, he had nightmares about losing his family. And then he had been stupid and overconfident and time traveled in the future. And his nightmares turned into reality when he discovered his siblings' dead bodies.

He had lived in that nightmare for years and years. And then he had managed to get back to them. Yes. He was back being 13. But at least he got his siblings back. Only to lose them two times in a span of two weeks. But then he got them back because for once his father gave him a piece of useful advice. He had killed the Handler and then he and his family managed to return back in 2019. A 2019 without Apocalypse. That sounds like a happy ending. Right? Wrong. His family may be happy to be back. Hell. He was happy as well. But only when he's awake. When he's asleep the nightmares are back, with new scenarios because of the past happenings.

Because of that Five tries to sleep less and less. It's easy because he has his faithful companion. The coffee. As long as he drinks a lot of coffee then he would not need to go to sleep. It worked for a couple of weeks. Until his siblings had seen the bruising under his eyes. That's when they realized that he wasn't sleeping. So they hide the coffee away from him. They think that they would help him like this. But they are wrong. They made it worse on him. And because he doesn't have his coffee anymore, he's forced to sleep. At least he had learned to be quiet when he wokes up from nightmares. Unfortunately, some of the nightmares are so gruesome, that when he wakes up, he's sick. At least his siblings don't know about him. He would hate it for them to see him so weak and vulnerable. So pathetic. Then one day Viktor suggested for them to go on a road trip.

"Have fun. I will wait for you here when you decide to return"Five told them. Because no way in hell he would go with them and risk having a nightmare with them witnessing.

"Yeah no. If I have to go then you have to go as well Five", Luther told him.

"Not going to happen, "Five said as he crossed his arms and looked pointedly at his siblings.


"I hate you all", Five said from where he was in the backseat of the car. 

"Yeah. We heard it before. Nothing new" Diego said.

"Cheer up little Five. You would see that it would be funny. We need a little break and relaxation after everything" Klaus said cheerfully as he was driving the car.

"You more than everyone else," Ben said and Klaus transmitted the message.

Somehow. Five doesn't know how. They had managed to convince him to come on the stupid road trip. Because not all of them could fit in a car they took two cars. Diego's car where Five was with the said man, Klaus, and Ben. And behind them was Allison's car, with her, Luther, and Viktor. They said that would be funny. He doubts so.

They had driven for several hours, and it was the middle of nowhere. Five didn't ask them where it was the first destination and he didn't care. But because they were still in the middle of nowhere, he figured that they still have a long way until the first destination. It was starting to get dark and they were still not in a civilization. "Did we get lost"

"Of course no little Fivey. There are a few more miles until we got there. Why don't you take a nap and we will wake you up when we got there"

"Not a chance"Five said immediately. "Plus. What's the point of sleeping now, when I will be able to sleep when we got there"He hopes that they would have separate rooms in the hotel or motel.

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