Untitled Part 81

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When Five told his siblings that he agreed to go to school, to the university of all the places, they were thrilled. Even if they wanted for Five to go to high school to make friends easily, going to Univesity was good as well because then he would socialize. And make friends. Who are much older than him. Well, physically older than him. When Five told them that he would go to the university they thought that he would go as a student. Not a fucking teacher.

"Excuse me what? Please repeat. I thought I heard wrong. You are a teacher?"Diego asked incredulously.

Five rolled his eyes and he huffed, like an angry or annoyed cat. "Yes. Is it really that hard to believe"

"Well yes. You are 13 years old. Physically" Luther added before Five could explode.

"It's hard to belive that they hired a child to teach grown ups"Allison added and she cringed when Five threw her a death glare at the word child.

"Well hard to believe or not they did hire me as a teacher" It was actually funny. The principal was expecting a grown up and his face fell when he had seen that it was a 13-year-old that applied for the job. He had been tempted to kick him out but Five had impressed him with his vast knowledge.

"What kind of teacher you would be ?"Viktor asked.

"History teacher" In the beginning Five wanted to apply as a math or physics teacher. Because he was good at both of them. Very good. But both of the posts were taken. So he applied as a history teacher. He had traveled through a lot of timelines in the past when he worked for the Commission. And he has a lot of knowledge to teach the students.

"That's great Five. We are so proud of you" Klaus said beaming and the others nodded. Of course, they are proud. Five wanted to do something that wasn't being locked in his room, for the first time since they returned from the'63. But they couldn't help but be worried about how the others students would act at seeing that their teacher is much younger than them. And let's not talk about teachers as well. But Five was happy. So they should be happy as well.

Much to Five annoyance, his siblings were way too ecstatic about this. They even dragged him shopping to buy appropriate clothes for his job. And when he started working they even made him pack lunch. "Teachers got packed lunch from their families too. Not only little kids" Viktor said as he put the Tupperware in Five suitcase. Five was in no way allowed to drive. Yes. He was hired as a teacher. But he was still a 13-year-old. So no driving. Agin much to his annoyance. So he was dropped at the university by one of his siblings each day.


Five won't lie. Even he would hate it to admit, it was strange to walk into a classroom full of people between the ages of 19 and 20 or 20+, as a 13-year-old kid. And he was not the only one. He could see his students all looking at him weirdly. Especially when they saw that he was sitting at the teacher's desk and not at one of the students one.

"Good morning everyone. My name is Five Hargreeves and I will be your History teacher from now on", he said and he could hear whispers that varied between "No way this little kid is our teacher" or "What a little kid can teach us" or" This is surely a prank. It can't be real" Well it was surely not a prank and he had more knowledge than these people have. They would be in for a surprise at how much he can teach them.

"If you have a problem then you are free to leave. I will not tolerate slacking in my class or whispering." Five said and several students actually stood up and left. "Also I warn you from now on that I'm not a lenient person and I will be very strict", he said resulting in some chuckling. Five looked sternly at the students who laughed. "We will see who would laugh at the end when you would fail my tests or I will give you a bad grade for poor homework writing," Five said and that actually shut them up. 

The umbrella academy: In which Five gets all the love he deservesWhere stories live. Discover now