Untitled Part 14

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They didn't know how it happened. It's been a few weeks since they arrived back home and they learned that they are now powerless. Which was a blessing for Klaus and Viktor. But even after all the convictions from Klaus and Viktor, for Five, it was still a curse. He still feels empty without his power and sometimes he can't sleep f he doesn't feel the buzz of his power. And let's not talk about the fact that now he needs to walk like a normal person, wherever he wants, and not teleport anymore.

Anyway. When it happened, it happened out of nowhere. Klaus was minding his own business in his room when he felt chills going down his spines and soon enough he flinched hard when a ghost screamed in his ear. "What the hell?" he asked as he looked at the ghost of a woman who walked through walls.

With Viktor, it happened when he was washing the dishes. The cutlery was hitting against each other when he put them away to dry, and in the beginning, nothing happened. But when they hit each other again, it created a small blast that shattered all the glasses and the closed cups. "Shit", he said shocked as he ducked away from the shards and looked at the mess he made.

But what gave them an almost a heart attack was the next day when they went downstairs. Viktor had checked Five's room before and when he hadn't seen the boy, he thought that he had woken up before them and was in the kitchen, most likely drinking coffee. But he was wrong. Five was indeed in the kitchen. But he was not drinking coffee. But was asleep, on top of the cupboards.

"What the? Five!", Klaus said shocked and Five woke up immediately and rolled down, without knowing where he was. He yelped when he fell from the cupboard but lucky Klaus caught him before he could hit the floor. Thank God for that, because they were high and the boy could have hit his head. "Are you alright Five?'Klaus asked as he let go of the boy who was a little shaken about what happened.

"Ah. Yea. Thank you. How did I get here?"Five asked confused. The last time he had checked he had fallen asleep in his own bed, not in a place where he can crack his skull if he moves a little.

"I think that we should ask you this? How did you get up there?"Viktor asked once his heartbeat stopped beating like crazy.

"I don't..." But before he could continue Five was gone. Klaus and Viktor looked at each other. So his powers are back too. Then the boy was back again with a pop and drenched. "What the hell?"

"Ahh Five. Where did you go?"Klaus asked covering his smile. Five was resembling a very soaked wet angry kitten right now.

"In the ocean. I can teleport again"

"Yeah. And our powers our back apparently", Viktor said. "I found out when I explode some cups and glasses yesterday."

"And I found out when a ghost decided that it was funny to scream in my ears. Yay", Klaus said sarcastically.

"No. Guys. This is actually great", Five said happily and his hand was enflunged by the usual blue glow and he looked at his missing limb. Now that he had his powers back he can rewind the time to his arm and have it back. But instead of the familiar regrown of his arm, he felt excruciating pain through his whole body. He collapsed on the ground, crying out.

"Five", Klaus and Vitor said shocked as they dropped to the ground beside him. "Five. Stop it. You would hurt yourself", Klaus said as he wrapped his hand on the boy's wrist and the glow disappeared.

"I don't understand it. I did it before when I was half dead?"

Yeah. Neither Viktor nor Klaus knew what that means. But they sure as hell that it's not a happy story. "Five. Your powers just returned. Give it time.", Viktor said soothingly. "You just need to train them again. Alright?"

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