Untitled Part 89

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Five swear that he would never get away from the bad luck. It's like is always there, creeping in the shadow and waiting to hit him. All his life ever since he was born he had bad luck. Starting with being born with the powers of teleportation and time travel. Then being adopted by an eccentric father, in a family of other super-powered kids. Then being trained from a very young, together with his siblings to become superheroes. And then the whole Apocalypse and shit that followed after that. So yeah. Bad luck. Five thought that maybe, maybe, he had gotten rid of it after he and his family had managed to leave the '60s. But it wasn't true.

Herb had appeared out of nowhere in the Hargreeves' house. All the siblings, minus Five- who no one knew where he was- were there. "Herb. What are you doing here?"Diego asked a little suspicious. Even though this man is not a cold-hearted killer like the other Commission people and helped, he was still Commission and they had the right to be suspicious about him. Especially since he saw up out of nowhere without announcing first.

"Don't worry. It's nothing bad. I'm here just to make sure that you all integrated back in 2019"

"We did. Thank you again for the help. We appreciate it"Allison said politely.

"There's no need to thank me. I didn't do much. The only thing I did was take control of the Commission. I wouldn't have done that if Number Five hadn't killed AJ and the Board as well as The Handler"

"Well, he's a vicious one that little one," Klaus said with a chuckle,

"Ahh. Yes. Mr. Number Five had always been one of our best assassins. Shame that he doesn't want to return to work for the Commission again" Herb said and all of them tensed at that. They didn't like to be remained about what their brother did. And they all are pretty sure that Five likes it even less. Good thing that he's not here now.

"Well, Five deserve a normal life and a normal childhood, now that he's back and a child again. One without bloodshed" Viktor said.

"That's true. Well, that's the only reason I was here. I wish you all a good life"Herb was about to take his leave when he noticed the dog tags on Klaus's neck and they weren't his because it was written Dave on them. "Where did you get these?" he asked pointing at the tags and Klaus immediately covered them protectively.

"Does it matter?" he asked and the man nodded. "They belonged to someone important to me"

"Did you know him?"

"Yes. Why? Do you know him?"Klaus asked as he wondered how the Commission knew about some mere soldier.

"Yes. He was one of the anomalies that was necessary to be eliminated. Number Five was actually the one who did it. But I'm sure that you already knew this" Klaus paled as he heard that because no. He didn't know that Five did it. He thought that he had been killed by an enemy soldier. Not an assassin.

"What are you doing here?"All the siblings turned around as they heard Five growl. Five walked in front of them and he glared at Herb who started to look nervous.

"I already told your siblings why. Don't worry. I mean no harm. Now I must take my leave."Herb said and he returned back to the Commission. Five was annoyed. Can that bastards keep away from his family? He needs to make one last visit to that wretched place and let anyone know that if they get near his siblings they would all pay. Five turned to face his siblings. They all looked normal and unharmed. Except for Klaus who looked pale as he clenched something that is around his neck.

"Are you alright Klaus?" he asked worriedly making the others to look at him as well.

"Why didn't you tell me about Dave?" he asked and Five looked confused.

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